Eines Tages kehren Tränen zu ihrem Verursacher zurück?

Glaubt ihr, dass “Tränen irgendwann zu ihrem Verursacher zurückkehren werden”?

Oder habt ihr damit schon Erfahrungen? Interessiert mich einfach (und insgeheim hoffe ich, dass es so ist).

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5 months ago

No. This is nothing more than romantic asses of people who have misunderstood the principle of karma and hope for a form of subjective justice with cosmic executors.

There are enough people who have caused countless tears and still have the most beautiful life.

5 months ago

I think that’s crawling.

I mean, if someone ever brought you to cry through something, that’s what you have to do with it. I can’t imagine what will happen to the human being, that this person has changed his behavior and thus no other one is crying

5 months ago

If you think any pattern is true, you can see it everywhere.

5 months ago

One day our sun blows into the air for all IS terrorist attacks.