Einen Musik Ordner als Album anzeigen lassen?
Ich besitze einen USB Stick mit verschiedener Musik in mehreren Ordnern. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit mit der ich diese Ordner in zum Beispiel einem Auto Radio als Album anzeigen lassen kann?
Aktuell muss ich im Auto nämlich immer auf erweitert klicken und anschließend in die Ordnerübersicht wechseln. Wenn dieser Ordner aber als Album angezeigt werden würde, wär dies sehr praktisch.
Too little info. Some “MP3 players” (including car radios) can have an album view based on the same strings in the corresponding. generate MP3 tag autom. Some want to make extra folders (which seems to have not worked with you). Some want to make extra M3U playlists. Or your car radio is just too stupid.
So I don’t know if this will help you in the case, but the radio is a relatively new and original from the Opel Crossland X. What do you need for an info?
Manufacturer and model from the radio. Since you have already provided a rough info on it, next to the attached manual (for your question is nix?) e.g. B. https://www.opel.de/opel-erleben/infotainment.html Help.
Jap, so with the smartphone everything works as far as coupling, as well as playback. But if you want to play the music via the USB stick (just better than if you need to reconnect each time after you have started the car). But then I’ll try to create an M3U playlist. Maybe it works.
Then it only helps to try what I proposed. for example you can the smartphone to connect this with the car?
Funnyly, in the manual under file formats only the following: The audio system supports different file formats.
And otherwise there is nothing useful.