Eine Woche keine Training schlimm1?

Hallo ich habe bis zu 6 oder 5 mal pro Woche Kampfsport trainiert für ein Jahr und diese Woche bin ich nicht hin ist das schlimm ? Habe irgendwie Schuldgefühle. Der Grund ist einfach dass ich einen so schlechten Schlafrytmus habe dass ich sehr spät aufwache und weil ich mich ein bisschen ausruhen will. Aber ich habe viel Schuldgefühle

und weil ich einfach keine Lust habe zurzeit jemanden zu sehen oder überhaupt aus dem Haus rauszugehen.

Was sagt ihr ?

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8 months ago

No matter what, at martial sports

If you were in martial sports for some time, even after 5 years without training you can retrieve the basics

8 months ago
Reply to  Arielle48

yes then you have to go to training, but if you don’t go a week doesn’t matter

8 months ago

Going to martial sports has become a habit for you last year. If you haven’t gone a few times now, you’re going through this habit and it feels just wrong. In my opinion, even if it feels hard to get back to the Rythmus as soon as possible, you should go back to the Rythmus, because I think that martial sport is good for you. Don’t let your bastard win!

Nevertheless, I recommend that you spend 4-5 times a week on conscious break weeks. Your body needs regeneration and weeks in which you regenerate will bring you further in the end because you can then fully attack. It always helps me plan this consciously and tell me ok next week break. Then during the week I don’t have bad knowledge if I don’t go

8 months ago
Reply to  Arielle48

Think the week was a break. And just keep going. And break weeks I always do so every 2-3 months when I notice that I no longer get so much or the motivation goes down. And in the week you just don’t do sports except maybe light yoga or cycling. Google times Deload Week if you want to keep you informed