Eine Website/App wo man gemeinsam ein Buch schreibt?
Hello, kennt ihr eine App oder eine Website, wo man zusammen eine Geschichte oder ein Buch schreibt? Heißt, einem wird zum Beispiel jemand zugelost, einer fängt eine Seite oder so die Geschichte an und ein Anderer schreibt an der Stelle weiter.
So gibt man sich immer die Geschichte zurück und schreibt zusammen.
Kennt ihr so etwas oder so etwas ähnliches?
Yes, there are actually some websites and apps that allow sharing stories or books. Here are some examples:
1. **Wattpad**: Although Wattpad is mainly known as a platform for reading and publishing stories, it also offers functions to work together on projects. Authors can invite co-authors to write together on a story.
Two. **Storybird**: Storybird allows users to create stories together by using artworks to inspire and illustrate history. It is especially suitable for collaborative projects.
3. **Novlr**: Novlr is a writing tool that also offers collaborative functions. You can invite other authors to work together on a book.
4. **Google Docs**: Google Docs is a very flexible option for collaborative writing. You can share documents and work together in real time, which is ideal for many authors.
Five. **Penflip** Penflip is a platform specifically for collaborative writing and is based on GitHub, which makes it particularly attractive for technically versed authors. You can create projects, invite co-authors and manage versions.
6. **Story Wars**: Story Wars is a platform where users can write stories together. Everyone can write on existing stories or start new stories and invite others to carry them on.
These platforms and apps offer various functions that facilitate and promote joint writing. It is worth trying them to find out which fits best with your needs.
Belletristica has some groups in which such actions are made. However, as the page closes at the end of the year and the successor page is still in the planning stage, no new members will be added … 🙁
In fact, I don’t think I’m giving apps/pages where you can write with each other. If you are interested, you can contact me by e-mail. zauberhafteacht@gmail.com