Eine Hochzeitstorte für alle?
Bei meiner Hochzeit vor rund 40 Jahren war eine dreistöckige Hochzeitstorte kein Problem. Man wählte für jede Etage eine der gängigsten Torten aus (schwarzwälder Kirschtore, Sachertorte und eine dritte). Die größte “Herausforderung” war die Deko: mit Täubchen oder Brautpaar oben drauf?
Heutzutage leiden die Menschen an Laktoseintoleranz, müssen Gluten meiden, sind gegen Nüsse und Äpfel allergisch, ernähren sich vegan… So gesehen, müsste jeder Gast eine eigene Torte bekommen.
Wie löst man dieses Problem? Gibt es das ultimative Rezept für eine Hochzeitstorte, das alle Probleme löst? Eine Hochzeitstorte für alle sozusagen?
By the way: kann mir jemand in Berlin einen Konditor empfehlen, der darauf spezialisiert ist?
Vielen Dank!
Do one that is gluten-free, vegan and without nuts. Most people still eat and consume everything that destroys the rest.
A wedding cake is something special and there is always only one. That’s why I’m looking for the opportunity to make one for everyone.
I meant floors or I deliberately wrote only “one” and “the other ones” so that you can handle this.
The floors can be quite different if I understood your question correctly.
Today I found multi-storey cakes on the net, in which the individual floors were layered on separate “cellars” artistically. In fact, with the same outer optics, several different cakes can be processed.
Thanks for your tip
The vegan floor comes up when someone crawls or crumbles it is harmless. Well, the torrents could be a problem – maybe a person should do it.
Then I misunderstood you, sorry.
It doesn’t mix if e.g. the vegan cake is draped on a butter cream decorated? I’m really on the hose…
From the wedding cake – usually with many guests – will not all get anything…;)
Here the bridal couple is clearly first – followed by the closest relatives, grooms and closest friends!
There are so many other cakes – you can prepare for Gusto for all “eventualities”…
What’s your name?
All men are righteous, is(s)t an art that no one can!
There will be a multi-storey cake for everyone, as my question already tells us. No more cakes.
Then hold different floors where different contents were baked…
May I ask again how many people were invited ?
Okay – all right, thank you!
My wife also has problems with wheat. We are invited to a wedding in September, where the organizer has spoken to us completely openly. This is the case and we understand that – because of a few guests, you should not compromise on the taste of the “most important dessert in life” with gluten-free flour or vegan cream. What else would it be if the bride couple themselves were to follow any diets. There are also other things for dessert.
BTW: If you stay on it, you can freeze the remaining parts of the cake. In some societies there are even traditions that deal with it.
“What else would it be if the bridal couple themselves…”
Does that mean that in the case you write, the bride couple itself has a food intolerance?
I do not see such a big problem – there is no lactose cream, nuts can be omitted in principle (for your three mentioned cakes are not included), apples are rather very rare in use at cakes, which with gluten is only a problem in people who really suffer from celiac disease.
A normal biscuit place with cream (lactose-free) and garnish can eat almost everyone.
Alternatively, there are these structures in which you stack a few dozen muffins or cupcakes and you can respond to all your individual wishes.
The bridal couple introduces a (optical) classic cake.
May I ask why the bride couple is not looking for themselves – is it possibly one of your children who is getting married?
I only ask for interest…;)
As I said – if there is a multi-storey cake you can actually make a smaller one of them vegan, as suggested by thomasjnewton . It can be eaten by all others.
In a city like Berlin it would be laughed…
Too fast – I know that…;);)
I have the bride couple promised to take care of the wedding cake. I naive, I 😅
If there is a professional division which has to adapt to special customer requirements, then there are bakers and confectioners.
I should actually start the pastry search. Then maybe the rest that is probably not as complicated as I see.
Exactly. That’s why you bake a beautiful cake and who doesn’t like it doesn’t eat it. It is a minimum of courtesy to make no demands as a guest at an invitation (“I want the wedding cake but vegan, lactose-free, raw food, gluten-free, …”).
It’s not a whim, but sometimes medical problems. I’ve only given examples of limitations. But it also includes the previously not mentioned chicken protein allergy.
What’s the use of a cake when the bridal couple stays on it?
Right. And no guest dies or dies when he eats no piece of the wedding cake.
What is the use of a cake that is baked so that it does not contain any allergen? I can put a bowl of distilled water right there…
Yes. You asked if there is the ultimate recipe and I answered that there is not.
If you want a cake. which is vegan for the vegan, for which Fructarier is frugivor, does not contain nuts for nut allergy sufferers, no lactose for lactose intolerant, no milk products for milk protein allergy sufferers, for diabetics no sugar, for alcoholic no alcohol, for gluten incompatible no gluten and for people with gallstones no fat, then you really only have a shell of water.
Didn’t my question read?