Eine Freundin möchte ihr Leben beenden?

Sie hat Handy alles ausgemacht und gesagt sie würde sich das Leben nehmen. Wenn ich die Polizei dahin rufen würde und nichts wäre, müsste man den Einsatz zahlen?

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7 months ago

call 112 ( ambulance and, if necessary, emergency doctor)

If you call 110 police, then they usually call 112.

Thomas Richter
7 months ago

I hope now everything has settled for you, in any case it is better in such a situation to call 112 and to share your concerns about your girlfriend. You don’t have to have a threshold here either. The people who do this job want to help. There is a risk that your girlfriend will be mad at you after that, but at some point when she gets better, she will understand that you were just worried about it and understand that she has brought you into a really difficult situation with it.

If there’s a chat or the like, don’t extinguish it, but just give it to the police on request. As a rule, they don’t want to have it from you because they’re going to go to your girlfriend for the first time to look after her and don’t come to you to read a chat.

I hope she’s okay and nothing happened.

By the way, you don’t have to pay the bet, probably you won’t hear anything after your call, maybe someone calls from the police and has questions, that was actually.

7 months ago

No, because the parameters for an operation are objective.

7 months ago

If I’d call the police there and nothing, you’d have to pay the stake?

No. You acted with good intentions and not with purpose. Call the police now!

7 months ago

Not at all!

My daughter lost her father when she was 19. One day my phone was broken. In the middle of the night, two policemen suddenly stood at the door and said that the child cannot reach me and cared for me. Normal procedure! The girl then bought me a new phone.

7 months ago
Reply to  coffealovrawr

😮😯😲 What??!

7 months ago
Reply to  LeckermaulVK

Of course, in such a situation you call the police! Everything else would be mad. This may have been a bit stupid for you, but it was absolutely all right and right!

7 months ago

If she wants to know why she’ll have to tell you about it, it’ll prevent it.

7 months ago

As long as you have a chat that says nothing happens. Call the police.

7 months ago

No. She doesn’t want to.

And no, you don’t have to pay. You’re just doing your duty.