Eine Frage wegen WhatsApp wegen letztes online?
Ich habe wem bei mein kontaktlieste kann ich letzt online sehen und habe bei meiner freundin geschaut da sehe ich nur sein bild und info aber nicht letzt online hat er mich gelöscht und noch gespeichert?
Good morning,
you have the option to disable the last seen online ad. This is only for everyone and not for individuals. That would be the most conclusive. It may be that you are not saved.
You’ll know it either by request or you’ll ask your contacts that have him, whatever they see.
Lg and a nice day.
I used to enter the phone number with my friend and didn’t last see her onlin
Jagut, the person you ask should already be stored with him. All right, you know something about it.
No, she didn’t delete you… most likely it was because she may not like anyone to see when she was online or not.
You can also do this
You can also turn off the last online ad.
I’ve seen that you can change but what’s funny I’m seeing online yet my girlfriend when I enter the phone number in mobile I don’t see online last time… my question is if the person has still been stored
Yes, that’s exactly what you see when you turn off the last online status.