Eine Frage an unsere österreichischen und schweizer Mit-User. Wie sagt man bei Euch ganz unverbindlich “Guten Morgen”?
Wie sage ich in der Schweiz oder in Österreich unverbindlich “Guten Morgen/Tag”?
Wie sage ich in der Schweiz oder in Österreich unverbindlich “Guten Morgen/Tag”?
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Ich wohne halt in Österreich, und mag dieses Land auch einigermaßen gern. Am liebsten mache ich auch in Österreich Urlaub, was natürlich mehrere Vorteile hat, einerseits, dass man nicht weite Strecken fliegen oder fahren muss, und andererseits, dass Österreich wirklich schön ist. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wo meine Familie und ich als nächstes Urlaub machen,…
With me Guätä Môrgä.
I say to people I suspect older than me and do not know: grüäzi
Sometimes just mosquitoes
No Thurgau but I made such a dialect Tet and there Wallis came out perfectly credible (among others)
Thank you for the poor
Ah, nae, wi domm… Wallis would be “Güät”. Clear
With me in Switzerland, I would say “Good Day” or “Good Morge”.
I can say that. So in written form anyway. Whether we should try out on occasion. 😉
Depending on the federal state, this sometimes changes extremely. With us, Guata Morga.
Moang, Gu Moang or Morgen (in the office for example, if you don’t want to talk so much)
I live in Upper Austria.
Grüezi in dialect
Otherwise “Good morning” “Good evening” or sometimes simply “Hello”
In AT: Good morning or stop in the dialect: “Muang”, “Guten Morgn”, “Morgn”
Would “servus” be too personal or unobtrusive?
Not for me personally. Servus sounds good for me.
“Servus” is used in Austria (in contrast to Bavaria) only if you are by yourself. Moreover, it is not a specific morning greeting. You can say, but it may seem inappropriate.
They say in Austria simply “Good morning”. Not “Guden Tach”, “Moin” or other genuschel from the lower German swamp areas. However, it is very much in regional language.
Serwas or Griaß di or simply Hello you say so over the day, but not as a morning greeting.
I don’t believe you. Grüaß Goht. Quod licet Piefki, non licet Ösi.
I would probably need a few years as a ‘norddeutsche Jung’ to see what you want to ask me/say…
Can entertain me with Bavarian friends without problems. There are small differences in the debate, but it is really very similar.
Thank you. Sounds very Bavarian somehow
In Switzerland according to region
Buona giornata
Grüessezi/Grüessech/Guete Morge