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2 years ago

In my ING account, the IBANs and recipients are stored in the banking app. But don’t know if you can disable it in the settings.

Each bank has its own app, but with other features. I personally find the app of ING very comfortable. The VR Banking app, for example, is not so clear and relatively faulty.

2 years ago

Each bank has its own app. There are also apps that can be used to manage multiple accounts in different banks.

The basic functions are the same everywhere.

I personally do not use my smartphone for banking, but the PC. I also work there as a savings bank with a program by StarMoney. I manage all accounts with several banks.

The data of the recipients are stored and are available at the next transfer.

2 years ago

At Commerzbank-online the transfers are stored. When I call Max Müller, the last transfer will come to him as a “submission”

You can also delete the templates.