Eine Frage an die Ärzte und Pflegekräfte: hat euch ein Fall mal richtig mitgenommen?

Hallo ihr Lieben,

ich habe mal eine Frage an die Ärzte und Pflegekräfte unter euch: hattet ihr mal einen Patienten, dessen Fall euch richtig mitgenommen hat und euch auch privat sehr beschäftigt habt und ihr euch (große) Sorgen gemacht habt? Oder trennt ihr Arbeit und private Trenen

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8 months ago


I’m an ergotherapist. But you can answer the question.

They usually try to separate work and private. But especially in the case of very emotional stories or events, one also thinks about it at home. But you must not let it approach you too much.


8 months ago

Yes was a long time ago, in my training a father came to the emergency room with his completely burned 6 year old child. The child was already dead. I had the smell in my nose for days and I was so sorry about the child. I’ve been thinking about it for many days.

It was an accident, according to the father’s information, the child has found matches in a drawer and lit in his room.