Eine Amsel ohne Schwanzfedern; wachsen letztere nach?
Eine schon ausgewachsene (Jung-) Amsel hatte sich in unser Wohnzimmer verflogen. Als ich versuchte, sie zu fangen, verlor sie mehrere Federn, auch die Schwanzfedern. Sie sah auf einmal stark gerupft und verkürzt aus. Endlich bekam ich sie zu fassen. Sie konnte aber noch nach draußen und in die Bäume fliegen. Wachsen die Federn nach?
These feathers grow quickly.
Your mistake was to want to catch this bird
Now it is affected by the spring loss in flying and may become light prey for a cat or a falcon.
Open windows or doors and the Jungvogel would have found his way out alone without being hurt.
Best regards
Opening windows etc. did not go; our cat, although already 18 years old, lay on an armchair in the living room. I didn’t know that the feathers were lost so fast. The little guy, though somewhat shortened, can still fly and seek protection under dense tannins. In fact, he seems to be a little impaired when flying.
Yeah, actually. If they haven’t grown in a few weeks, you should go to the vet.
Catching the amsel is impossible. Today, I saw her, like a bullet, walking around the garden and flying around; the latter – as I meant – a little tedious.
Oh, I thought she was tame.
Of course they grow! The birds lose their feathers every year in the mouse. Meise had no tail feathers at the beginning. Later, they grew up again quite normal.
Who is right now? hein 25 or fox leap?