Ein Zeichen oder nur quater-life-crises?
Ich fühle mich nirgends richtig angekommen, nur wenn ich alleine bin.
In meiner Familie fühle ich mich nicht richtig wohl, bei meinen Freunden fühle ich mich nicht richtig wohl, auf Arbeit läuft es schrecklich bzw. gar nicht, meine Gesundheit macht auch seit Jahren einen Bogen um mich.
Mein Leben ist wirklich katastrophal, und das war es schon immer. Nicht weil ich mir das einrede, ich bin ein positiver Mensch. Die äußeren Gegebenheiten haben irgendwie nur ein Problem mit mir. Nun befinde ich mich schon länger in einer Phase, die nicht zu enden scheint.
Ich weiß nicht, ob das alles so für mich bestimmt ist wie ich lebe. Das möchte ich direkt sagen: Ich möchte nicht sterben! Falls sich das eben so gelesen hat.
Ich denke nur, ich bin für eine andere Art Leben bestimmt. Nicht für dieses. Ich habe einen Spruch gelesen:
“Life will never give you peace in something you´re not supposed to be in.”
oder so ähnlich. Ich kann nicht mehr aufhören darüber nachzudenken, und es ist schon VIELE Monate her, seitdem ich das gelesen habe.
Ich habe versucht das Leben so zu leben, wie es irgendwie von einem erwartet wird. Ich habe Abitur, ich habe studiert aber dann abgebrochen, weil es nichts für mich war. Jetzt mache ich eine Ausbildung, sie läuft nicht gut. Es liegt nicht an mir. Ich bin gut in dem was ich tue, diese Rückmeldung bekomme ich von Lehrern und meinen Chefs. Nur geht mein Unternehmen vor die Hunde. Das zweite Mal schon. Ich bin natürlich auf der Suche nach einem neuen Ausbildungsbetrieb. Ich denke aber darüber nach, ob es das einfach nicht sein soll. Ob es nun schon das dritte Zeichen ist.
Ich wusste schon immer was ich will, bin mir auch nicht zu schade Dinge auszuprobieren, bin leicht zu begeistern. Nur in Sachen beruflicher Werdegang ist es etwas anderes. Da fühlte ich mich nie so, als würde irgendwas von den Berufen zu mir passen. Habe unzählige Praktika hinter mir. Keines davon wars. Also mache ich nun meinen Ausbildungsberuf. Meine Familie macht sich diesbezüglich auch Gedanken, weil sie merken, dass ich mir schwer tue meinen Frieden damit zu finden. Und auch sie sagen, dass sie mich irgendwie nicht in dieser Welt sehen. Obwohl mein Vater sehr streng ist, was das Thema betrifft.
Nun überlege ich einen anderen Weg einzuschlagen, weil ich denke, vielleicht ist das alles ein Zeichen. Oder ich habe eine quarter-life–crisis. Ich bin 20. Da soll das Leben ja besonders schwer sein, weil man sich fehl am Platz fühlt. Oder es liegt daran, dass ich zur Gen-Z gehöre.
Doch was wenn es mehr als das ist ? Soll ich den Sprung wagen? Dann wüsste ich zwar, was ich direkt nach dem Sprung machen möchte, aber nicht wie ich es umsetzen kann. Und vor allem besteht dann ja immer noch das Problem, dass ich irgendwann meinen Platz in der Gesellschaft einnehmen und mich dem System fügen muss.
Nromally, people of your age know what they do not want, many even what they want or where their strengths lie. You seem to call them, but not. But if it were important…
I don’t really know what I want, and I don’t really know what I want. On the one hand, I would like to do certain things very much if the other side (givings I do not want) did not exist. I can’t tell you exactly where my strengths and weaknesses are. This is always a matter of situation.
I can be very good with people, but only if they are strange to me and I don’t see them regularly. Then I think too much. People feel very comfortable in my presence and tell me very quickly very private things/problems from their lives. You trust me. That’s why I’m always involved in interviews. I’m supposed to make the applicant feel comfortable and safe first. But I usually don’t feel really comfortable among people. I’d rather be alone.
I’m creative. My art teacher put an art study at my heart. But under pressure I am not very creative and then I get a blockade. Besides, I’m afraid that my hobby feels like work and I can’t enjoy it anymore.
I am often told that I have a quick understanding. But I have ads and can concentrate very often badly and then feel like I don’t understand anything because I usually haven’t got it.
On the one hand I can express myself very well, I master the German language. I only promise very often. In the end, I no longer know how I started the sentence and then do not end it grammatically.
As you notice, what I can is always connected to a “but” page.
I’m not good in science subjects. One weakness is conflict, I am currently working on it. In addition, as mentioned above, I often find it very difficult to concentrate. I can’t handle pressure well, but even worse with a free hand. So if I can do it as I want. I need precise rules, only then I feel safe.
Does that help you?
If I can catch up here:
I also had the problem of finding a training for me after a failed study. I got a book from the employment office, which lists all the training professions with all the details and worked out carefully. Because I wrote out the professions I found fit for me.
You want to do something creative, but with restrictions? You want to do something with people you don’t often see? – Then I tell you the heart to inform you about dental technology (yes, I did, your description reminded me of my younger I).
What training are you currently doing?
That’s why I’m thinking about looking around something else. Do you have any advice?
And this is a completely deaf mistake or obsolete thinking. It is also about being human health, staying or becoming human health. The result, if not given, is your life.
My decision was therefore that I did not expect to be happy in a profession. I was attracted to the fact that a profession is not there to make me happy, but to provide maintenance. So that I can afford and build a happy life outside of work. Accordingly, my choice has nothing to do with becoming happy with my profession, but with earning money for survival. It seemed to me to be the best option as it represents a safe workplace á a safe income.
I’m confused. How to get happy in the profession with “I need a job”? I find the suggestion given to you more than good.
I’ll get some information, thanks for the tip! I’m just doing the training as an industrial businesswoman. I thought I’d always find a place. So I wasn’t convinced it seemed to be the best solution. I’ve got this bush too, it just didn’t help me. I also had two consultations with the Federal Employment Agency, which has not helped me either.
I will now inform myself about dental technology, thank you again! 🙂
Growing is not beautiful and life is usually not. There are few moments of happiness that later merge into a “beautiful” past, but in the majority, life is strenuous, annoying and characterized by problems, uncertainties and recurrence.
The great art is learning to deal with it. I think your generation is also hard because you can do everything theoretically professionally and grew up with the social media, which the world usually represents as a cuddly and cozy place where everyone can be everything, all are happy and have love.
Experiencefully, I can say that sometimes you have to torment yourself through things that are not very fun and in the end it was good that you did. And be it only for the experience.
Yeah, you’re definitely right! That’s why I only have Whatsapp and Instagram for a year. Instagram only Sundays. I had the problem before I first had Instagram. I think Instagram only strengthened what I felt long ago.
Yeah, life is sometimes real to scream. I also do the training mainly because of this:
Thank you for your answer. :
Without knowing what it is, I represent the opinion go for it!
You may think of your life otherwise what would have been if you had done; that can only lead to depression, bitterness.
Ifs goes wrong – at least u tried it! Get up, tie or hats on new shores!
You also have to bend to the system or society only to the degree that you please do not commit crimes and keep paying your taxes:)
After all, this is the ONLY life you’ve got! And NIEMAND ANDERES must be satisfied with it and live it, that must be ONLY YOU!
Oh, man, that’s exactly what I think. But somehow I’m afraid to dare. I have an apartment I need numbers. I could just do jobbs and have more money than now, so she could be very good. Only I have the problem that I think: what do I do after the phase? I have the feeling that I would lose so much time. If I decide to go back to training, I feel so old and I feel too late. I always think the training is going through (still two years) and then I’m going to make a Gap Year. Then I have a completed training I can show. I can’t wait so long. I don’t want to. I’m so impatient.
Thanks for your answer, you’re making me so euphoric haha
That’s the problem of your generation, which is not meant as a accusation. Impatience, the fruits were harvested before they were sowed, they could grow and thrive before anything was done.