Ein Woche später noch mal AU?

Ich habe am ersten April um 12 Uhr Termin beim Zahnarzt zur Wurzelbehandlung und da werde ich krankgeschrieben eine Woche später bekomme ich die Krone gemacht da um 14 Uhr da auch krank schreiben lassen ?

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22 days ago

After a crown one is not particularly stressed. There is no inability to work.

Of course you don’t work during the treatment. Depending on the employer, this goes straight or you need a medical reason if the treatment falls into the working time – for example for teachers.

22 days ago
Reply to  Catgirl96

I made root treatments before school when I had freed the first hour, and then I went to school. That was harmless, because the tooth is already dead. In the case of a root tip resection, on the other hand, I had a day sickened because the anaesthesia is a bit exhausting.

Can you get an AU for a whole week? This can hardly be due to complications, because they want to wait until April with the treatment. So that doesn’t seem to be a hurry.

So my answer remains: AU after root treatment surprises me. It’s nice for a day. The grinding for a crown would also be a reason to rest comfortably the rest of the day. The next day you’ll be fit again.

22 days ago
Reply to  Catgirl96

In the case of a root treatment, an AU .. but rather not when grinding the tooth.. But you could also go to the family doctor if you’ve had a doll pain..

22 days ago

Remember that I only know what you’re writing.

The root treatment takes place at 12 a.m. and so you got an AU for this day? And the next treatment is at 2:00. Now you want to know if you can work beforehand? Yes, if that’s possible in time.

22 days ago

Yes exactly .. I find this very well together these two dates ..

22 days ago

Precise .. Then the tooth is ground down from above ..,nearly it is not .. but better than a root treatment.

22 days ago

It is not necessary for a root treatment or for a crown ne disease! You can go casually after work.

22 days ago
Reply to  Catgirl96

Sure. Probably because nobody wants to hear you whining.

22 days ago

You could… if you wanted.

22 days ago


In the morning you can go to work and in the afternoon you can take free if you don’t want to work.

22 days ago
Reply to  Catgirl96

You can apply for the whole to the doctor. Then you get free for the duration of the appointment.

22 days ago

Now you’ve only got the appointment at 2:00, so you can go to work beforehand.

22 days ago

For the afternoon already; in the morning you can go to work.

22 days ago

There is no need for AU for a crown.