Ein wenig Blut am Toilettenpapier?
Ich hatte gestern und heute etwas Schmerzen beim Stuhlgang und hab dann beim abwischen ein bisschen helleres Blut am Papier gehabt. Es fühlt sich auch sehr gereizt an.
Hab irgendwie direkt Sorge vor Darmkrebs, bin aber erst in zwei Wochen sowieso bei meiner Hausärztin. Zusammen mit dem Schmerz und dem gereizten Gefühl denke ich eher an Hämorrhoiden oder eine Analfissur… hoffentlich.
Kennt ihr das auch?
Bright blood comes from an anal fissure or haemorrhoids. LGgadus
It’s time and again. Rather rare (a few times a year)? I always think it is colon cancer. When I went to the doctor, I was examined for haemorrhages, none were found. A further measure, e.g. Intestinal reflection was not recommended by the specialist. Doctor is of the opinion that it is a harmless crack, what can happen, he thinks. But sometimes I’m worried that it’s cancer?
My appointment is only next week, then I know more.
Okay, good luck to you, can you report?
My doctor, by the way, is also oncologist and she wasn’t worried. You still have that? And in what situations? With me it is often when I drink too little or have eaten too hot and she said that something could happen.
I can understand your fears because I have gone the same way with a temperate feeling, but after that it was better for me. Because apparently everything is fine, the feeling I have cancer doesn’t let me go sometimes:(
I was there today. After description, she goes from hemorrhoids or a crack, and I got supples and ointments. It’s been juicy today. If I want to, I’m supposed to be a proctoologist to kill the hemorrhoids. I have the transfer, but since I have a lot of fears, I don’t know if I can.
Yeah, I do.
Presumably, the hemarrhoids, or low cracks, are at fixed pressure.
If this is more common, a visit to the doctor makes sense —> ointment for relief.
Love(r) Ladida1983,
in the event that the description has only occurred for one or two days, you should not worry and wait for so many. But I would highly recommend you to go to your home doctor if it should last longer because, as you suspect, treatment-related illnesses can be put behind it.
Coming to 99.99 % of harmless hemorrhoids.
can happen.
If it’s more difficult, go to the doctor.
yes sounds like a hemorrhoid
Fascinating that you all have cancer right away and can always diagnose it immediately.
That’s amazing.
I didn’t diagnose anything, but of course you always hear it. Since it just melted while pressing, I think I have a injury.
Yes, there are the finest veins on the butt similar to the nose, something can burst.
and press too much that triggers from which the natural inner hemorrhoid becomes an outer, and thus becomes annoying.
Eig the things are normal in the body, and meaningful, but when they migrate outwards there are problems.