Ein Tag im Leben?
Gibt es etwas was ihr eurer ganzes Leben lang gemacht habt? Aber genau an einem einzigen Tag in eurem Leben nicht?
Die ersten 3 Jahre des Lebens zählen übrigens nicht, da man unter 3 quasi nichts macht.
Verneinungen (Jeden Tag *keinen* Geburtstag feiern, nur an einem Tag Geburtstag feiern) zählen auch nicht.
Beispiel: Jeden Tag mindestens 70 Kalorien gegessen außer an einem Tag.
Oder: Jeden Tag gesprochen außer an einem Tag.
habits change and sometimes you cannot make certain things for reasons. out of breathing and drinking, there is nothing I have done every day in my life.
there were also days when I didn’t eat anything because of illness, but that was more than a day.
It would be a challenge to remember such things that were not really serious. I’m waiting for my first time not to sleep.
Every day teeth cleaned except on a day
Wow. But in the evening I usually brush teeth, in the morning I am often too lazy, especially when I stay home.
Yes live day by day.
But you did that every day. The question was what you didn’t do for a day.
Hello..A day in life?
Is there anything you’ve done for your whole life?
Yes live… I do this day by day 🤓
Lg Sky
But you did that every day. The question was what you didn’t do for a day.