Ein Small Buisness eröffnen – soll man es wagen?
Ich denke schon oft darüber nach, etwas anzugehen, oder es zumindest zu versuchen. Dafür muss man ja u.U. auch Gewerbe anmelden und eine Steuernummer beantragen und dazugehörigen Papierkram erledigen.
Ehrlich gesagt, halten mich diese Sachen ab, etwas zu versuchen. Wenn ich Gewerbe anmelde und eine Steuernr. beantrage, hat es negative Auswirkungen wenn mein Geschäft nicht läuft? Kann ich das abmelden? Kann ich es nochmal versuchen?
Hat jemand von euch diesen Schritt gewagt?
Hello 777Engel,
Yes, you can at any time However, you have to make tax returns.
The smallest form of the industry is: individual enterprises with small entrepreneurs scheme.
You need a tax advisor or have to do accounting. A well-organized Excel Sheet is actually enough.
At the end the sale Your product/service is heavier than accounting. 🙏
Here my standard text for founders:
Your Individual undertakings You can register with the Commercial Office.
Then you have to submit the “Frage sheet for tax collection” for the tax office, which goes through the Elster website. Only after that you get your commercial tax number you need to write bills. In the questionnaire, you can also apply for the “small contractor scheme” if you remain below EUR 22,000. You can then book all your documents and invoices without VAT.
If you start a secondary job, you need to inform your employer about your job, but you can’t say no as long as you don’t get tired of working or go into competition.
It is highly recommended to open a commercial account, even if it is not a duty for individual companies / GbRs.
Your health insurance status changes from “legally insured” to “private or voluntary legal” only then, if you earn more in business than in the employee relationship. or if you work more than 20 hours a week in business. As long as you clearly continue to work and earn more than an employee, everything remains unchanged. If the insurance status changes, I recommend that you voluntarily insure yourself by law.
After the foundation, the IHK (or HWK), the GEZ, the professional association, where you may need to register.
As an individual entrepreneur or GbR, you are obliged to “simplify accounting” that includes a list of all your revenues and all expenses. This can be done theoretically even in a good Excel Sheet. More beautiful and professional, however, is a bookkeeping software such as Sevdesk or Lexware.
Note that you need to issue legally compliant invoices (or receipts): https://qonto.com/en/blog/business/invoicing/quittung- or-invoicing-small entrepreneur
In particular, if you do not have a small business organization, a accounting software makes it much easier to send the sales tax pre-registration directly from the software to the tax office.
At the end of each year you have to Elster send the following statements to the tax office:
Thank you.
I was interested in that. To this end, I visited a founder of existence. Was free at the IHK.
This is still available today.
I as DIKI can recommend this to you all.