Ein red Bull pro Tag ist doch eigentlich nicht zu viel oder?
Erstmal klar, ungesund ist es. Ich behaupte auch überhaupt nicht das Gegenteil.
Wir hätten zunächst den Zucker, ja es ist viel Zucker drin. Aber bei einer Dose Red Bull am Tag ist das auch keine extrem große Menge. Dafür trink ich keine anderen Süßgetränke und esse sogut wie nie Süßigkeiten. Sollte also in Ordnung sein oder?
Dann zum Taurin, wenn ich mich nicht täusche ist Taurin in moderaten Mengen absolut keine Gefahr, bei einem Red Bull am Tag sollte das also nichts ausmachen
Und nun natürlich noch zum Koffein. 80mg pro Dose, auch das ist doch nicht sehr viel. Okay doch schon, für 250ml, aber man trinkt ja nur eine. Kaffee oder so trinke ich auch nicht also nehme ich sonst auch nirgendwo wirklich Koffein zu mir. Und wo wir gerade bei Kaffee sind. Da hat ja ungefähr ne Tasse soviel Koffein wie ein Red Bull. Es gibt unzählige Menschen die öfters mal Kaffee trinken. Extrem viele trinken jeden Tag mindestens einen, die meisten die Kaffee trinken sogar 2-5 würde ich schätzen. Da beschwert sich allerdings niemand übers Koffein. Hmmmm…
Und zu den Kalorien, da ich mich sonst recht gesund ernähre und wie gesagt nur Wasser trinke und eigentlich nie Süßigkeiten esse passt dieses eine red Bull auch absolut in den Plan.
jetzt zum Abschluss nochmal, 1 Red Bull am Tag kann doch nun wirklich nicht so schlimm sein… außer für den Geldbeutel ein wenig.
Your reflections are quite understandable and well structured. Let’s take a closer look at the individual points to answer your question:
1. Sugar
A 250 ml red bull contains about 27 g of sugar. This corresponds to almost 7 cubes of sugar.
Two. taurine
Taurine is an amino acid which is unproblematic in moderate amounts. A can of Red Bull contains 1000 mg, which is below the quantities (up to 3000 mg per day) which are considered safe.
3. caffeine
With 80 mg of caffeine per can, Red Bull is comparable to a cup of coffee. According to the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), the recommended maximum quantity for young people is about 3 mg per kg body weight per day.
4. Calories
With approx. 110 calories per can, Red Bull is not dramatic as long as you otherwise feed healthy and move enough. As you say, “fit it into the plan”.
Five. Health factor
A Red Bull per day is not optimal, but also not dramatic – provided that: you stick to this one can and compensate for this with a healthy diet and sufficient exercise.
The problem with energy drinks is often less in the amount of a single can, but in that they become a habit and the amount of time increases.
I find Energy in general (whether RedBlaaBlaaBlaa or ) disgusting, some very young colleagues even smell from all pores after these unhealthy garbage
I have to give you absolutely right and so I see it as well
Yes, and nice speeches don’t help.
I didn’t care. It was also a question of whether it was bad. I never said it wasn’t. I just asked. As soon as you answered, you can hardly really read the text
I’ve read and quickly realized that it’s getting more beautiful. Therefore the quick answer.
But that’s what you’re talking about.
You just say it’s not that much sugar, taurine and caffeine. And yet it is a mix of unhealthy things that the body simply does not need.
If you like it, keep going. I’ll never understand why you like to drink this stuff regularly.
The pizza was just a means to show that just so much is unhealthy in this world. I really don’t want to talk nicely, I just think it’s a bit stupid when someone comes and says. I lack the reasoning and the points I have listed are all basically correct or not? I really ask myself this question and just wanted to know what an energy drink might be worse than I think. And to dependency, I can calm you down. All the time I’ve been drinking Red Bull I never drank more than one on a day. Usually I don’t drink one every day. Even more often, there are breaks, which of course shouldn’t be good. And these symptoms that all always claim like sleep disorders, heartaches, etc., I have nowhere near.
However, the effects of an energy drink cannot now be compared with those of a pizza if we “how bad” want to look. I think you keep talking. At the Energy Drink there is nothing positive and daily consumption just shows me a certain dependency on an unhealthy substance that can kill you in case of hardship.
Okay, but a pizza at the Italian is unhealthy. I mean, in general, if it’s not just going to be absolutely exaggerated with the talk that the parts kill you and so. It has actually been written very understandable.
The reasoning is obvious and was even mentioned by you in the first sentence of your text.
All right. But I really didn’t want to talk about it. I just tried to compare the ingredients with food, where no one says anything about it. Could have been improved. But just to say no, it’s just nice to say no.
You can also drink two RedBulls. I have a working mate who drinks 2-3 RedBulls every day is 50 and he has done that for over 15 years!
So every can of that stuff is too much.
If you still turn it into you, it’s OK, your thing. But don’t try to make you beautiful.
I didn’t care. I’m just really wondering. Because if you look at the ingredients, is it theoretically a sugared coffee with a little taurine, or is I wrong?
Can drink no problem