“Ein PC ist in der Regel zwangsläufig stärker als vergleichbare Hardware bei Laptops.” – Was genau bedeutet das?
Also wenn ich einen Laptop mit 16 GB Ram und 5 GHZ habe, und einen normalen PC mit den selben werten, dann ist der normale PC trotzdem besser? Oder heißt dass, dass man für das gleiche Geld beim normalen PC halt höhere Werte bekommt?
These are so flat-rate that you have to enjoy with caution.
In a laptop, the components are designed for power savings. This has two reasons:
The first thing is clear, it should be possible to run on the battery as long as possible. The heat development is, of course, also “power waste”, but causes another problem, namely that of cooling.
A desktop can have large fans, gigantic heat sinks and the housing insulates some of the sound so that the fans can not only by sheer size more bars without it annoying.
Together, this means that a laptop – at least at the same cost or acceptable comfort – can make fewer bars.
A laptop can, of course, do exactly the same with the same specs. Only a laptop gets quicker problems with the heat and has to shut down. In games you need permanent performance and not just at the beginning of the game.
Most so-called “gaming laptops” are simply “freezed”, have strong heat problems and are much worse than a desktop at the same price.
Real gaming laptops are also available. They don’t look after a desktop. They are, however, irresistibly thick, “tonnes heavy”, uncannyly loud (ventilators) and exorbitantly expensive. Things are meant to be used on LAN parties, so more handy than a desktop. Only the fans are so loud that you need very good over-the-ear headphones, best with Noise-Cancelation. Things sound like an aircraft engine! Most of them are fed from two irreversibly large brick-shaped power supplies with 200 to 300W each. Keep on battery the only few minutes away from switching off the strong graphics card and clocks the extremely down. However, they usually turn off by themselves if not both power supplies are connected and supply power.
first for the same money get more
second the laptop is compressed means zb you don’t have a proper graphics card but ne graphics unit mostly on the cpu
on mainboards also does not use a gamer.
You can buy 8 gb graphics card and it’s okay.
this is the next advantage
at the laptop you pay more
because you rarely pay once, almost always need to load nen pc if what is because you can’t replace the technique just like that.
I can trade everything individually at the standpc as I want and I don’t have to braz for it or learn how to solder boards.
on laptop naja is the first question you get that thing on your own?
I changed the battery at my laptop. I could also install RAM and swap an SSD as well as the hard drive. That’s not a problem with me.
this is beautiful with you, gives enough modern models there is Ram brazed zb
Young this whole discussion has only to do with DEINEM personal setting
yes if you exchange everything together for more performance, you don’t have to do. I just swapped the ram because I had only 4 or 8.
Yes, I’ve already exchanged CPU+RAM+ mainboard on a PC and the hard drive. That was more than just a retrofit.
also ne limit which comes to the mainboard and the cpu at the standpc can also change the mainbord before buying.
Good. Many boards don’t support more clocks than is already installed, I thought.
so that I mean also just a ram bar that has more tact b you have to be able to tact properly.
Overclocking makes the PC unusable. I can’t work with my programs anymore.
yes that doesn’t make better than this can also not push higher at the end
go through the current purchase offers, there is no hard disk flap anymore
only part of the ram is soldered to me, I think.
Oh, dear.
You get more power per paid euro in a desktop PC than in a laptop.
This is mainly because the development of efficient and compact hardware is expensive.
Even if your budget is unlimited, a laptop can never have as much power as it could be a desktop.
In a laptop you have 2 massive limitations:
More RAM does not make your PC faster and 5GHz does not say much about the performance of a processor.
Not necessarily, but that can be.
5GHz is actually a little too high. There’s nothing going on that fast.
General: The PC may have more CPU cores and possibly a faster memory (which provides more data at once) and it probably has a CPU that eats more power, but also performs more machine instructions per cycle.
that is a contradiction in itself. And it can also be the laptop faster.
Could be a little better.
The PC cools better, as high clock rates remain possible all the time.
The laptop sometimes drosses because it can’t cool so well.
In laptops are installed under the same name weaker gpus, which draw less current, become less warm, less afford
depends on what you think is better!
After performance (price/performance) a PC is better. But when it comes to transport and mobile work, the laptop is better…