Ein paar YouTube Fragen?

Ich habe seit neulichem einen YouTube Kanal und lade dort Geometry dash Sachen hoch. Ich habe also 2 fragen:

1. Wie bekomme ich mehr Abonnenten?

2. Ich möchte gerne Geld mit YouTube verdienen. Dafür brauche ich aber unter anderem auf 4000 Stunden Public Playback time. Doch über 90% meiner Zuschauer schauen nur meine Live streams an. Da Live streams aber nicht als Publick Playbacktime gilt, habe ich von dem 94 Stunden die es insgesamt sind, knapp mal 30 Stunden. Wie kann ich meine Videos Attraktiver machen, sodass meine Zuschauer auch meine normalen Videos anschauen?

Falls jemand meinen Kanal braucht, um Tips zu geben, hier ist er: https://www.youtube.com/@MXGaming01_gd

Meinen Kanal Namen kann ich einfach nicht ändern, da ich in Geometry dash so heisse und ich Geometry dash content mache.

Danke für die Antworten schon im Voraus 😊

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1 year ago

Forget the aspect completely, at least as I said.

  1. clearly you have to reach the parameters, but as soon as you reach them you deserve a few euros a month. We talk about 1-6€ per 1000 calls, depending on different factors. If you have problems coming to Watch Time, you will need a year before you reach the minimum payout limit of 70€
  2. Once you have enabled monetarization, you need to login an Adsense account. You have to be full-year, and as long as you’re not, your parents have to. This is also not “oh I do what I want” thing, but a “I play with fire if I don’t take it seriously”
  3. Once you have activated the monetization, you need to register a business. It costs a little bit of money, but mainly you’ll be included in a register, which you can only do as full-year. That’s what your parents would have to do for you. In both cases they also bear full responsibility for no matter what happens to many parents. If you don’t register a trade and you find out, you’ll have to pay a juicy penalty up to €1000. I was even 7 months late and was allowed to pay 400€.

My point: Don’t worry about it because it won’t matter for a long time.