Ein enger Fußgängerweg direkt neben der Straße – Autos fahren ohne Seitenabstand?

Also ich muss häufig neben einer Straße laufen, wo es nur einen engen Fußgängerweg gibt, und da ist nichts zwischen dem Weg und der Straße, also kein Gebüsch oder Schranke, nur quasi eine kleine Stufe.

Wenn die Autos dicht am Straßenrand vorbeifahren, dann ist da praktisch kein Seitenabstand vorhanden. Gibt es irgendeine Regelung dazu?

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2 years ago

Yes, cars on the street and pedestrians by pedestrian. That’s how nobody gets in the way.

2 years ago
Reply to  stud3232

50 cm are definitely too little, a distance of 1.5 m is required by cyclists.

2 years ago
Reply to  stud3232

That’s okay. As long as everyone stays on their tracks, nix happens.

2 years ago

Therefore, drivers should also make a large arc around the pedestrians. But unfortunately not everyone.

2 years ago

It is also not nice for car drivers when pedestrians pass so close to the cars (you could stumble and fall on the road).

2 years ago

What do you understand under a narrow walk?
If he were too tight, it would probably not exist.

People with strollers or wheelchairs should also be able to use this walking path and as long as you do not leave the walking path, nothing will happen to you.
Exemptions of course confirm the rule, but then a broader footpath no longer helps, because then probably only a massive wall or an abyss in between helps.

2 years ago
Reply to  stud3232

Then everything is wonderful.

2 years ago

You have to stay on the sidewalk and the car on the road! Ready.

You, as pedestrians, don’t have the risk of driving a cyclist for some reason or driving a meter or something to the side or falling like a cyclist…

2 years ago

Take a flag on a stick, which you stand out laterally towards the street side. Then the vehicles keep enough distance.

2 years ago
Reply to  ZiegemitBock

Then we may have a dangerous intervention in road traffic and, if necessary, soon a pedestrian less than the one that there is a walkway 🤣

2 years ago
Reply to  DerBayer80

Bikers are allowed to use such “distance holders”, but not pedestrians? Interesting.

2 years ago

Sounds? The spacers are flexible, which is neither dangerous for the cyclist nor for the driver.

2 years ago

But if this is sold and used: Commission

2 years ago

Also as a cyclist, you must not keep a bar in the traffic

2 years ago

Yes, there is. You stay on your clearly bound footpath, then nobody drives you. Such footpaths are almost exclusively available in Germany.

2 years ago
Reply to  stud3232

No, it’s not. How would you like it? Ne 3 meters high wall next to the road? Or do you want a trench?

The walking trails have been like this for 100 years and no person will pass on when everyone keeps himself halfway to the rules

2 years ago

Do you want me to go out and take pictures of a dozen streets where there are no walkways? We have exactly one. The one on the local road. There is no place left.

2 years ago

As I said, be glad you have a walkway at all. There’s nothing like that.