I've now met a date that I've been chasing for years twice?

A guy (a massage client) who's been in touch with me on and off for about 2-3 years drove me to the dentist on Thursday, and we met briefly today before he went out with his friend in the evening. We didn't have sex, but I gave him a BJ and licked his butt, and he came on my chest. We texted back and forth a lot. But he says I'm acting weird there, even though I told him that beforehand.

He said it doesn't bother him. He kept jokingly saying I'm a little disabled. It makes me a little sad. Why didn't he take me to the event tonight or is that too early? He says I'm weird, but he hardly spoke to me there. When we went downstairs together, he texted me straight away thanking me for being there! But the chat is very slow today. We usually text a lot. Is that a bad sign? Does he want to see if I get in touch on my own? In any case, he's live and in color, different than when he writes. Hardly laughing! I have the feeling there's something wrong with him too? Besides, he knows I'm not on the pill, and he'd still sleep with me. I told him, if you don't want children then get sterilized! He likes sperm play and that it's easy to insert. Isn't he afraid to push? Jokingly, he said we'll have an abortion then.

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2 months ago

Every question of you actually contains the same. Just always a little different!

When you think about it and write your opinion, there is usually no reaction. You probably wanted to hear something else.

What do you want to hear? What would your question be answered?

Besides, no one wants to share your sex life here. You should do without going into detail! Why do you do that?🤔

I also begin to doubt whether this Lord exists at all.

You’re probably just a blooming fantasy.

Well, lots of fun

2 months ago

So, you had no sex? What else was that? That was more than intimate. Do you have a little weird worldview?

2 months ago
Reply to  Newwoman1990

Lord, let it rain brains.

2 months ago


What was the question?

Because you’re at the escort?