Ein besonderer tag (17.11.24)?
(Gelernte zeit, mehr als 8 jahre bevor ich dieses wundergebiet betrat)
(Wichtig: Ich habe KEINE ahnung von Programmiersprache. Also wirklich gar keine wenn ich sowas sehe, denk ich mir “wasn das für ein salat”
Heute ist ein ganz besonderer tag.
Ich habe genug Wissen gesammelt um im einen gewissen bereich mein skills zu entfalten. (Analystic, mathematik, Systematik, Psychologie, ect.)
Heute ist tag 1. Es geht um “programmieren”.
Ich will der beste sein. Bisher hab uch einzelne tehmen gelernt, ohne das ich Programmiersprache kenne. (ips, dns, viel viele fachbegriffe, tor brower, Verschlüsselung, sicherte system (manuel bearbeiten hadware)..
Ich bin aber nicht zufrieden. Und meine aufgabe ist es, dies alles zu lernen. Von phyton zu c++. um dann, ein system zu “erschaffen” was wirklich sicher ist. Was nicht nur Anonymität mitbringt, sondern auch ein system, was wirklich smart aber perfekt ist.
Wo man niemals weiß, wo der “Angreifer” herkommt. Etwas, was einzigartig ist.
(Dies dient für gute zwecke nicht für die dunkle seite. Ich arbeite hauptsächlich für das volk bzw. den bürgern, die seit LANGEM “nicht menschlich” behandelt werden von menschen die über diese menschen stehen.)
Wo fange ich mit so einer mission am besten an?
…If you can’t answer this question yourself…?
Maybe start with the basics. Without mastering the “small one”, you cannot really understand how the “big things” work in detail.
In view of your other questions put here, I would book this statement under massive self-examination.
I’ve been programmed for 40 years and I’ve been running technical progress since then. (like any other)
No one can estimate what’s in 20…30 years. In any case, besides existing knowledge, you also need to learn new techniques to stay on the ball.
Start learning the basics of programming. Programming languages are only interchangeable tools. Without having general basics/programming techniques terms, you’re just a “writing force”.
…I too😅
I’m very good in my areas, but there’s always someone better.
I don’t know what else you’re dreaming about, but it’s far from any reality.
There is no perfection. Someone will always find a trick to manipulate something. (Many “Linuxers” still admit the illusion that their system is “safe”)
How do you want to estimate with your limited knowledge at which points an attacker will take?
Give me a question and think about it:
So, without any programming knowledge, you want to create where whole groups with decades of experience continue to program, put on their own?
The beginning would be to learn the programming languages so that you can sleep them. Without this well-founded basis, you don’t need to go on… But I very much doubt your project to set up as a single developer… Many programmers and developers work together on all OpenSouce projects worldwide… This is knowledge and development that you don’t get together in three lives, what they can do in a year…
I’m moving myself to ATP. Means if I need 20-30 years, then be it. I personally find programming will be very important in the future.
in the future?
No matter what was irrelevant
you know that in the year 2024 software is the framework of our society? even the archaeic fax machines are programmed, then each computer obviously, every car and all other means of traffic (except the footbus and the wheel, but also there you don’t use any physical cards anymore). you don’t get a day without running on thousands of softwares.
Yes in the future. LOL
Forke simply I2P and create a client browser for it, then you have your beautiful secure network
“anonymity” is hardly possible today, JavaScript & Cookies are your biggest host, you should not even own a social media account to not index 😂🙈
Ideally with a training as a specialist informatics application development or a study in the IT field.
FIAE training is müll. Source: my fiae training. You only learn SOWAS in your studies