Ein Bekannter trägt eine Jacke mit schwarzer Sonne, auf der Brust, er behauptet er wüsste nicht was es ist?
Er trug eine Jacke mit der sog. “schwarzen Sonne”. Eine andere Person sprach ihn darauf an und konfrontierte ihn. Da behauptete er, er wüsste nicht, dass dies ein rechtsextremes Zeichen sei und jemand habe ihm die Jacke geschenkt. Ich saß daneben und habe mich nicht eingemischt. Würdet ihr ihm glauben?
I’ve never heard of it, and I didn’t know. Because I have nothing to do with extremism. Accordingly, this can be. The question is, after you clarified him, is he still carrying it? If no, he probably didn’t know. If so, it might have known beforehand and intentionally bears it for the meaning. If he doesn’t wear it anymore, he probably got it really. There is the question whether the person who gave him the knew of the importance. You can encourage him to go to the guy he has and ask if he knew what the sign means.
Honestly? I didn’t know the meaning of a black sun.
I’m going to google
Okayyy… Learned again.
There are certainly people like me who did not know or know the meaning of this symbol. Depending on his attitude to this topic, he will remove the emblem or not.
If not I would take distance from him
I’d think twice if I’d have anything to do with that!
I sometimes see people running around with Thor Steinar. Is he still wearing the jacket? Or has he left it since?
I haven’t seen him since, so I can’t guess.
There are many untrained people in the world. The better question is who he’s depending on to get such a jacket.