Eigenes Auto mit 18 Jahren sinnvoll?


ich bin 18 Jahre und habe seit 1,5 Monaten meinen Führerschein. Aus meinem Freundes- und Bekanntenkreis kenne ich viele, die jetzt direkt nach ihrer Prüfung ein eigenes Auto bekommen/ gekauft haben. Auf der einen Seite ist das schon praktisch. Man wird selbstständiger und lernt verantwortungsbewusst zu sein. Aber dennoch finde ich es schon mutig. Die Kosten, die da auf einen zukommen sind nicht ganz ohne. Manche sagen mir, dass sie nur hoffen, dass nichts kaputt geht… und das ohne eigenes Einkommen finde ich schon sehr gewagt. Natürlich gibt es da noch die Eltern, aber die werden sich da sicherlich auch sehr freuen…

Ich hatte mir auch überlegt ein eigenes Auto (im nächsten halben Jahr) zu kaufen. Aber umso länger ich dadrüber nachdenke, desto unentschlossener werde ich.

Was haltet ihr davon bzw. wie steht ihr dazu? Braucht man wirklich so früh ein eigenes Auto.

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4 years ago

Previously, this was the small way to “freedom” Nowadays, almost everywhere the traffic networks are well developed and there are many people who can borrow a car.

Theoretically, you don’t need it, but my own is something else for me:)


4 years ago

I didn’t have my own car either. I got it a 3/4 year after my 18th. Birthday bought. That’s weird. However, my parents also paid the license. I didn’t feel like I needed one by then, because I still had my moped. And there it went. I could always take the Galaxy of my parents when it fits. However, many assume that you have your own car with 18 already. I’m an arbitrator. And so it came that the attacker (who determines which games you have to run when and where) put the games more and more so that I had to drive and the others had to collect in the collective. I also wanted to make a small holiday in the summer (because I bought the car in the autumn and in the summer afterwards) or to visit friends from the school age who studied in Berlin and so. So I decided to buy my own car. And I didn’t regret it. Of course it’s costing, but that’s why you don’t buy a car. If you always cost and use weigh. Meanwhile, I’m glad I have such a reliable and affordable car. It’s enough, my focus with 101 hp. Doesn’t have to be the latest bmw or Audi.

So you need to know if you need it. If you don’t want to keep going to your parents on the cookies, I’d take my own (or run over your parents). However, if there is little driving in the family, it also sometimes does the car of the parents. :

4 years ago

If you make a driver’s license, you should get your own car quickly. The longer you wait, the more insecure you are in road traffic due to lack of driving practice.

4 years ago

Why do you make the F bill for a lot of money and then don’t want to drive? For 500,- to 1,000,- Euro you can also get good cars that do not have to go to the workshop. Look at a solid Japanese. Toyota or Honda.