Eigenes Auto anmelden – Ablauf?
Guten Morgen, ich hab mir mein erstes eigenes Auto gekauft.
Heute hab ich die Papiere für die Zulassung erhalten. Wie läuft das jetzt ab?
Ich geh zur lokalen Zulassungsstelle mit den Fahrzeugunterlagen und melde das einfach an? Dort bekomme ich direkt meine Kennzeichen oder wo bekomme ich die her?
Und sobald das Auto angemeldet ist, kann ich die Versicherung abschließen?
Ich bin da absolut Unwissend und bin über jede Hilfe dankbar 🙂
First, you should be div from a Versich.makler office. To obtain offers on the desired protection, the motor insurance Mandatory is an authorisation; by the so-called 7-digit eVB-Nrn. code you have the Preliminary car liability protection for foreign damagewhich is required for approval!
The Full coverage for personal damage and Participation protection for external damage such as, for example, storm, hail, fire, flooding etc. as well as glass breakage, theft, wild damage etc. voluntary!
The remaining procedure has been answered to you several times 😉
Greeting of a Versich.maklerin
At the moment, this is problematic at the admission points because it is not served there without prior appointment. Dates are already in advance for 4 weeks.
A sensible way to go to an admission service. With us in Leverkusen the €20 extra costs. I’ll get a license plate there. They have admissions every day. So you wait 24 hours for admission. In addition, check whether all documents are available.
Yes, the car insurance must be regulated beforehand, otherwise the car is not allowed.
You have the documents from the car so that you can only go to an insurance business, as you get documents that you can go to the registration office
1. Call insurance and ask evb number.
2.) compiling documents for the authorisation body: letter and appearance (or certificate of authorisation I and II); sepa direct debit mandate (this is the direct debit service for the customs office due to the tax on the VAT); TÜV report for the CRC; said evb no.
(a look at the website of your registration body helps in general)
3. You have to get the new license plates yourself, close to the occupancy point, it’s a bit of a signmaker. This is part of the “Login Process”. But you should go to the registration office, after all you want to know the license plate, otherwise you can’t make any signs.
In the admission office you will get a license plate “divided” (or look for one). With the data you go to the sign bud, which is somewhere near the office and lets the signs shape. With the freshly embossed shields you go back to office again, get the plaques glued and handed out the papers
…and make appointments at most of the admission points. Corona.
Different. First, complete the insurance, because without EVB there is no registration. Otherwise, the process will be as close as possible, yes.
First you have to have the insurance for your car.And then with the number of insurance ((EVB file number,you can also do it by online or phoneish)) with it and all your car papers,Zb.TÜV/HU etc reports,acceptance papers,the car letter,and sweat,some money can be started.