Eigene Weihnachten Tradition starten?
Wir feiern Heilig Abend ganz unter uns als Familie mit unserem 1,5 Jahre alten Sohn.
Bisher war die Adventszeit Recht stressig y sodass kaum ein Weihnachtliches Gefühl aufkam.
Ich selbst bin mehr konservativ und gehe auch gerne in die Kirche an Weihnachten, meine Frau weniger.
Wie kann man Weihnachten genießen als neue Familie und seine eigene Tradition starten und Ruhe haben ?
Wie kann man einen Kompromiss finden wenn einer nicht gerne in die Kirche geht?
It’s really all alone. It is mainly oriented to your life situation and to the current needs of your offspring.
Example: Pre-Christmas…. Baking and decorating cookies together, letting the young people “help” (the older the child becomes the more it can gradually help). Set up daily or at the respective Advent Sunday/drink tea/eat biscuits, run child-friendly Christmas songs and also normal contemplative music while…… Or leave the music or singing songs away and just be cozy together with cookies and cocoa/tea.
Tree decorating: There are also the different traditions, depending on how to grow up. In my family of origin, everyone was always involved. Father, mother, we children – usually my parents had an annually changing color concept. In my self-founded family, it’s my offspring and I decorate the tree together. I put our Christmas jewellery box and then, without concept, it is simply hanging to the tree on what the younger one is looking for. When our offspring was younger, I filled the big gaps on the tree.
In kindergarten age, the “Tradition” developed to watch a certain cartoon series on the theme of Christmas and to listen to matching audio games. That was the case with the years.
In principle, what you find is what you do well as a family. One speaks with one another, one pays attention to how I am/her/the child. And even the church can take place – even if your partner may not want to participate or not be able to participate. You don’t stick to each other
I built a motherhouse this year. Every evening, the Wichtelhazs was enlarged to make the children wonder. When it was finished, the Wichtel started to drive Unfuge (fill noodles in shoes). We started exchanging letters with the mother.
We don’t have a nativity.
You can also make and hang tree decorations every year.
We are lucky that near us is a chapel where Christmas carols are played by the initiative of an association against 4.30 p.m. The chapel is open, a crib is built, but no fair.
The Christmas Fair in the late afternoon – after three visits we were all right. My husband only went with me for love from the beginning.
If the fair belongs to you – then talk to your wife, you may be able to attend the fair with the child while she has time for herself.
Gifts for children only. You can prevent a lot of Advent stress.
With us the community is the most important at the family festival. A decorated tree belongs to it.
The atheists of the family themselves wish the birth history of Jesus from the Bible and Christmas Carols. Traditon for generations.
what was the stressful? then you have to avoid the stressful just who buy it gifts etc is then you have to communicate with the family that you will not buy any more gifts and also no longer want to spend more time with family.
that with the church you have to do this on your own I don’t go to church and my wife would never be able to drag me there.