Eigene Wege mit 14?

Ich bin 14 und ein Junge.

Ich mach zur Zeit sehr viel mit meine Freunde und mit mein Boyfriend und unternehm kaum noch was mit meine Familie.

Mein Vater versteht das, meine Mutter sagt oft dass sie es schade findet, dass mich Familienleben scheinbar gar nicht mehr interessiert. Dabei stimmt das voll nicht, ich mach voll viel Zuhause, helfe wo ich kann und mach schon manchmal gern was mit mein Eltern weil ich ganz tolle Eltern hab. Aber hey, ich bin 14 ich hab mein Leben und meine Freunde. Findet ihr das normal oder sollte ich weniger mit meine Freunde und mehr mit Familie zusammen verbringen

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1 year ago


Sure, this is totally normal that you spend a lot of time with your friends at your age and do your own thing. : It doesn’t mean that you don’t like your family anymore or don’t care about family life. You can have both: fun with your friends and also beautiful moments with your family. 🤍 Balance is important, and it is great that you help home and spend time with your parents. As long as you feel comfortable and no one is neglected, it’s all right to go your own ways. ☀️🫧


Sea sound 🌊🤍🐚

1 year ago

Yes, your behavior is normal, healthy and important. Now with you both the abnabelung begins and you are becoming more and more independent and slow. That your mother gets a little humble, but also normal. Finally, she has to let her child go and can no longer mother and protect her as she would like. This is a normal process for both. My son (14) and I are also in the opening phase and it is not always easy to let go. I am also extremely proud of him, and his self-employment

1 year ago

As a mother, I understand your mother, but my son, who’s more than fifty, I always left out.

Your mother prefers to have you a lot, but your father is right!

Maybe you’ll talk to her kindly about it. If it doesn’t work, maybe a relative or a good friend of the family could talk to her so she can understand.

1 year ago

For you, a lot is new in your current development. That also applies to your mother. You used to be there, not anymore. She has to get used to it. You don’t need to change. You’ll always be your son anyway, so you could take care of yourself a bit more. No matter how old you become. That’s all normal…

1 year ago

It’s normal that your mother feels less needed now.
You just have to split your time into friends and family.
Don’t have to be 50:50.