Eigene Wartior Cats Staffel ?


hat jemand von euch schon mal eine eigen Warrior Cats Staffel geschrieben ? Viele Warrior Cats Fans machen das ja . Ich möchte zusammen mit meiner Schwester eine Schreiben und wollte euch nach mal Fragen

habt ihr schon eine Geschrieben ?
Gibt es dabei was zu beachten ?
wie Würde der Clan heißen über den ihr schreibt ?
Worum würde es gehen ?
Wie soll ich die Staffel nennen ?
Ist das überhaupt eine gute Idee ?

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1 year ago


Yeah, I’ve written a separate Warrior Cats season before.

have you written?

1.Yes, it was a lot of fun.

Is there something to consider?

2.I just started writing my season. But before, I’ve already planned what all these ideas should be. And you shouldn’t mess with the ideas and the times when, otherwise you can start again.

How would the clan be called about you?

3.I wrote about five clans. About the light clan (as well as thunderclan), fog clan (as well as river clan), flower clan (as well as cloud clan), rain clan (as well as wind clan) and evening clan (as well as shadow clan).

What would it be?

4.It is about five pupils of each clan (being friends among each other) who will save the clans. For there is a lot of dispute over the territories, because the Clans were founded only fifteen moons ago. And they are also visited by a storm. That’s why students need to get their clans safe and find a solution to the dispute. Later, all the leaders of their own clans will be.

How should I call the season?

5.If you have no idea for a title, you can write the story first and then consider the title. Most often the titles are named after the events and events that occur in the stories.

Is that a good idea?

6. If you like it and have a good mood, then yes. It should also be planned when you write the season because it costs a lot of time. But it depends on you whether you think it’s a good idea.

Have fun writing from the season! 🙂

I hope I could help!

May the Star Clan light your way! ✨

LG your bees

1 year ago

have you written?

I got started, but I got finished because I got grown up and I don’t have time anymore. I prefer to spend my limited spare time writing own stories as fanfictions. But if you want to read the stories of others, you can go to Wattpad. There are many who write their own Warrior Cats stories.

Is there something to consider?

There is a lot to consider when writing. Too much to summarize this.

To write style: do not make word repetitions, point instead to describe, have a great vocabulary…

Contents: Three act structure.

How would the clan be called about you?

MoonClan, SunClan, SpiritsClan

What would it be?

I was talking about clans founded by a sibling couple (MondClan and SonnenClan). The Clans were friends and only lived separately because they had different hunting preferences.

They were still looking for a place where they could live alongside each other and still meet their needs. On an almost perfect territory, strange things have happened. Ugly disappeared, odours of cats were found as well as traces, but never a cat. Some cats were attacked by shadows. In the course of time, the clans have learned from a third clan. The Spirit Clan who lived invisibly on the territory…

How should I call the season?

I don’t know. Depends on what you’re talking about.

Is that a good idea?

I don’t know. You didn’t explain what exactly your idea is. You just wrote that you want to start writing. Basically writing is a good idea.