Eigene live Talkshow eröffnen?
Hallo, ich würde gerne eine eigene live Talkshow nach Domian Vorbild auf Tiktok live herausgeben.
Was bräuchte ich dafür alles ?
ps:mir ist klar, dass es höchstwahrscheinlich nicht so groß wie Domians sein wird.
Ich bin 17 Jahre alt.
1000 Follwer and Live to go and your live long enough before announcement and say that you want to do something like Domian and then hold a micro then you can invite people to talk at live or invitations.
Then consider which app you want to run the conversations. There are various possibilities. And how to get the sound in TikTok. Or do you want to talk to people – if possible – directly via TikTok?
No, they call via phone, just like Domian
Then you should definitely get a new sim card that is only used for it. With your private number a lot of mischief can be arranged.
First spectator.