Eifersucht und neuen Mann kennenlernen?

Ich komme mit meiner extremen Eifersucht nicht zurecht aufgrund mieser Erfahrungen. Hab mir ein Buch dagegen gekauft. Ich möchte das ändern, für den Mann den ich gerade kennenlerne. Es stresst ihn extrem, immer wenn ich frage, warum er online ist, sagt er, weil das kein Verbrechen ist und weil ich’s kann, also hör auf damit! Bekomm das endlich in den Griff!

Ich frage mich, warum er trotzdem bleibt und dran bleibt, ist das eher ein gutes Zeichen das er will, dass ich ihm endlich vertraue und weil er mich mag? Das einzige was ich noch komisch finde, wir sehen uns jetzt bald und ich sagte ich bin Horny, er freut sich darüber, sagte aber er momentan nicht so, aber das kann sich ja schnell ändern. Das finde ich krass, als Mann muss man doch permanent geil sein und Lust auf dein Date haben? Da fühle ich mich jetzt nicht sexy genug als er das sagte. Wie seht ihr das?

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2 months ago

Hello Newwoman1990👋

I think that’s a bad thing, as a man, you have to be permanently horny and want your date?

But you also believe fairy tales, wow, nice as you put men in drawers, Bravo.

Also a man has phases in which he has no desire, that is completely natural, also it is natural that man cannot always be able to stress, head full, that has all the effects, even a woman does not melt like a waterfall as soon as a man makes them sharp, these prejudices are corrosive.

And I want to be honest. You are not able to judge your questions about, at least not currently. With the questions you ask, I don’t know how many men you date, how many you really have contact with, you also have people who stalk you and you didn’t just mention that you’re gracious. Relationships, fears, everything.

I find it admirable that you realized that you have a problem, but the guy won’t change it with a fingertip. Take a break from the dating and men and get a therapy first, because you can work on your past and your bad experiences and then you can enjoy having good experiences, I wish you.

1 month ago
Reply to  memoriath

In previous posts, she wrote that she works at an escort service. Why don’t you ask what kind of men it has to do and what impression it has to be. By the way, all the stories are very hard to believe

1 month ago
Reply to  huland

As I said, I don’t have a real look at all the people and people who are being met or who are going to do it. Therefore my proposal with the break. Whether and to what extent this is true, what is there, who thinks to have to invent stories, it would be sad if you had to do that, then something is wrong, but that can only the person know and change.

1 month ago

Since you are investing more emotionally at the moment, it is clear that he subconsciously thinks you are very safe. That’s why he’s not dauerhorny either.

2 months ago

I can only say:

You should change for yourself because and if you want it. Not for a man you seem to be completely “hearted”.

As can be seen from the texts, it determines where it goes.

This should not be the right choice for you – you lack self-confidence and self-confidence.

There is no book that helps – a therapist!

2 months ago

as a man you must be permanently horned

Luckily not every man has long since.

He seems to like you, and I think NOCH has the hope that you change.

After what you write here, I hardly think a book will actually help you, a therapy would be better for you.

2 months ago

You’ve got a lot of ideas and ideas, that’s maybe 16-year-old Bürschlein, who are permanent, but not 40-year-old men!

They’re cleared and don’t run around all day with stand in the pants. Do you mind, you’re not 16… 😅

2 months ago
Reply to  Newwoman1990

I know, read it! Have a little patience, I also know that it’s hard for you when you’re hot and he doesn’t make you fuck, that’ll let you go.

Who knows, maybe this is also a tactics of him, he has you firmly in his hand and is sure of you! He’s the boss and he’s determined when the time is here to take you!

I think that even makes him feel like seeing you in the state…

2 months ago

And he can’t run for him.

I’ll keep pushing your thumb! 😘

2 months ago

You are insecure and not jealous, you need to become more self-assured

1 month ago

I wonder why he still stays

You’re really exhausting.

I think that’s a bad thing, as a man, you have to be permanently horny and want your date?

What a bullshit 🤣 who says that? 🤣

I don’t feel sexy enough now

That’s your problem. You have a self-worth deficit.

2 months ago

as a man you have to be permanently horned

Complete nonsense.

You have to Get jealousy under control.

2 months ago

Faith is not so much on you

2 months ago
Reply to  Newwoman1990

It’s annoying him, but it doesn’t seem to bother him if you’re jealous. On the other hand, he doesn’t drive to you when you say you’re horny, what he’s supposed to be. Are you sure he’s not too boring?

1 month ago

Maybe he’s standing for men