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2 years ago

Depending on how hard your left egg was hit at the kick, this could have led to a blue spot or a testicle swelling.

In both cases, there will be a few more days of pain.

However, the pain should have clearly left a few minutes after the kick. A residual pain can remain a few days, as I said.

Even if a kick in the eggs is very painful, it remains in most cases without consequences.

Certainty can only give you a urologist.

2 years ago

Sounds like a one-sided testiculation.

Probably the abdominal pain is also on the left.

The pain can still occur for days until the swelling and nerve irritation has completely diminished.

Sometimes it helps to cool the place when the man or the testicles are swollen.

2 years ago

Probably you have a blue spot in the area. This means temporary change of tissue and can cause pain.

2 years ago

You have to take the EKG ( Eggs Control Handle) and feel if everything is still there!

2 years ago

Ads, maybe you’ll be straight inpotent.

2 years ago
Reply to  7in1h

You’ll see in 10 years.