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2 years ago

It’ll stop for a while until the alcohol gets out of the blood. Two hours, I think.

2 years ago
Reply to  OpiPaschulke

Thanks for the star.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Don’t be answerable. Generally, it is to say that it is highly individual and partly also variable how alcohol affects a person. In addition to gender, size, weight and, of course, the dose, genetics, habitation, stomach content, emotional condition, daily form as well as drinking speed play a role.

You can calculate here (1) times how much promille your brother would have estimated after 1 shot and then compare it with the table here (2). You have at least one approximation value.



2 years ago

The body usually removes 0.1 per hour. Now it depends on how much promille is in the body. But I can say one thing with certainty: With a few minutes it is not done.^^

2 years ago

This depends on many factors:

  • The volume of the egg cup (capacity)
  • Percentage of ethanol in liquor
  • Your brother’s alcohol tolerance
2 years ago

The alcohol needs a while before it works.