Eier Farbe normal?
Ist die Farbe von den Eiern normal?
Ich hab 2 neue Bildschirme mit der gleichen Einstellung angeschlossen dennoch weicht die Farbe ab? Warum und was kann ich dagegen tun?
Frage oben. Es geht um ein Cheeseburger wettessen, wer mehr verdrücken kann, nicht auf Zeit. Bei Tipps nur zu
Isst du lieber Pommes mit Ketchup oder mayo
I do not see what should not be normal now – but the question is how the taste is itself, so whether the eggs are tastefully edible 🤷 ♀️. If so, everything is paletti 👍😜.
Are you asking because the eggs are different brown? Yeah, they’re still normal.
Brown eggs are usually different brown.
It’s normal.
Are normal
All right
Why isn’t that for you?
what should be the “false” or what bothers you/make you stubborn?
About Anna
It’s normal. What’s wrong?
for chickens yes.
These are normal brown eggs.
Green and blue eggs are only available at Easter, in movies and in stupid accidents.
Yeah, my balls look like that.
Completely normal
What’s wrong with that?
I wouldn’t have a problem with that. What bothers you with the color?
That’s how brown eggs always look.