Eichhörnchen ein EI füttern?

Hallo seit neustem haben wir im Garten ein Eichhörnchen welches wir ab und zu füttern. Im Internet steht, dass Eichhörnchen Eier essen deshalb hab ich überlegt dem Eichhörnchen ein rohes Hühnerei zu füttern, damit es im Winter was zu fressen hat. Darf man das oder ist das schlecht für das Eichhörnchen?

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4 years ago

With a raw chicken egg, a squirrel can’t start much. It has too much fluid and so the squirrel will waste 95%. It’s better if you cook the egg and halve it.

4 years ago

I would rather offer cooked

4 years ago

Meal of fruit and young birds

Squirrels live mainly of high-energy fruits and seeds. Especially popular are beech, oak, pine, maple and spruce, but also chestnuts and nuts. In addition, they do not spoil buds, flowers, galls, mushrooms and animal food. Before winter, squirrels eat only a little winter scarf and instead hide food in depots that they plunder in food bottlenecks.

https://www.nabu.de/tiere-und- Pflanzen/saeugetiere/nager/04566.html

4 years ago

Yes Squirrels sometimes eat eggs and even young birds when they find a nest and get there this can happen. That’s why smaller birds sneak even when they have a nest nearby and see a squirrel as with other nest robbers. You can give them an egg. There are also special squirrel food.

2 years ago
Reply to  Buckykater

I’d rather mix squirrel food myself. Our cut out half of the finished mixture