Eichhörnchen attackieren sich?

Hey ich war gerade noch Mal draußen da ich Migräne habe, und mir da Frischluft hilft. Also als erstes habe ich so ein komisches Geräusch gehört, wie so ein quicken oderso, und aufeinmal kommen mir dann 2 Eichhörnchen entgegen gerannt ich glaube das eine war rot orange braun und das andere schwarz oderso könnte es nicht richtig sehen

Weiß jemand warum die sich attackiert, Also gibt es bekannte gründe dafür?

Und was soll ich jetzt mit den toten Eichhörnchen machen falls es tot ist ? Also es liegt einfach nur da

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2 years ago

They’re precincts and pairings. That’s perfectly normal.

2 years ago

These are now pre-primary warfare or fighting for females.

Just leave the squirrel. Either it’s not dead and recovers. Or if it’s dead, you can’t do anything. Maybe put it aside under a bush.

2 years ago

Probably it was a competition or a dispute over the territory.

It’s a squirrel. This is then simply integrated into the circuit and finished.

Even though it may sound cruel, but I wouldn’t interfere in the processes in nature.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tois783


2 years ago

Maybe these are the first American grey horns that attack our local squirrels. These spread continuously from Italy to the north. They are somewhat larger than our European listeners and will permanently displace them. Maybe in dense pine forests there are still squirrel stocks.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rennegent

Well, that’s not quite the case. Our domestic corpses are hardly different from the Americans. They may be darker,but the locals are divided into many colors, including dark,brown,almost black. How does anyone want to distinguish these two? And why? You’re telling them to push them, that’s not proven right to this day. And if, then, this is a global “normality” among animals that does not always have to harm our “local nature”.

2 years ago
Reply to  PatchrinT

The American grey horn is almost twice as heavy as the squirrel and much more adaptable, and it also has more offspring. It brings a virus against which it is immune, but not the native red squirrel. Either this invasive species is fought or the squirrel dies. There’s nothing in there.

2 years ago

In England, it took over 100 years to spread across the globe. The result was not only the displacement of the European squirrel, but also considerable ecological damage. One assumes that it will be too late for the fight if it reaches Germany.

2 years ago

I think what makes you confused are the different names. Partly, the animal is called American squirrels, partly American gray horns, partly simply gray horns. It is, however, always the same animal and the same way that is concerned and which causes problems here in Europe.

2 years ago

It is about the American GRAPH, this is a kind of 30 species from the family of EICHÖRNCHEN. Whether there are still other squirrel species in America is hardly relevant, because only the US GRAUHÖRNCHEN has migrated into Europe and is constantly spreading in Europe and is pushing the European EICHHÖRNCHEN. The topic can be viewed extensively in many Google hits. I don’t think there’s anything to confuse people with the fact that there may be other squirrel species, because it’s not about them.

2 years ago

The gray horn and the American calibre are two different shoes, did you know that? What’s immigrated here is the American. The grey horn can be found here. Like I said, two shoes…..

2 years ago

In the UK there are only 140000 squirrels of originally 3.5 million, and now 2.5 million. Grey horns. That should be enough as proof. The squirrel is superior to the squirrel.

2 years ago

A precinct is not unusual in animals.

And what should I do with the dead squirrels if it’s dead?

Nothing it is just natural selection and just wild animals can transfer diseases like rabies so if you still want to help you be pretty careful

2 years ago
Reply to  TreyMaster2

Info: Tollwut has been erased in Germany.

2 years ago
Reply to  Avena

It is only possible for bats to occur, since due to the quantity of animals it is not possible to control each individual visit and, where appropriate, to rabies.

2 years ago
Reply to  Avena

Good to know, you should still let go

2 years ago

Precinct under males. When the animal is dead, it is used by crows and eclipses. Simply make nix, observe and learn about natural cycles.

The difference in color is due to natural cross-section.