Eichel löst sich von der Haut ab?
Habe gerade ma$tUrbiert und habe danach gemerkt, dass sich meine Eichel an einer Stelle von der Haut gelöst hat. Jetzt ist darunter sozusagen ein kleines Loch. Weh tut es nicht, nur wenn ich ziehe. Was kann ich tun??? Habe echt Angst, dass das Folgen hat und meine Eichel eventuell ganz abfällt?
Bitte helft mir…
Danke für alle Antworten
I can’t imagine what you mean. It is normal that the acorn is detached from the skin. If your skin is too tight, you have a pimosis. Your acorn won’t fall off, because you’d have to cut the meat, and if that had happened, you wouldn’t be on a good question.
When you talk about the skin that attaches your foreskin to the bottom of the acorn, it is called Frenulum. There is also one under your tongue.
If you think so, get to the doctor. Just like everything else that is torn, it will be surgically repaired
I can’t imagine what you have.
Depending on age and Phimosis status, there are various possibilities. If you’re really worried about it, you shouldn’t wait and let it get out quickly.
Unfortunately, your explanation is extremely inaccurate, it should be closer to the details of which skin dissolves exactly on the acorn