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Depending on what you want to do – for gaming, the 60% keyboard is definitely better (the small one) that it is enormously space-saving and (for gaming) “unnecessary” features (like the num block or the function keys not supported).
“Other” means you probably write/work… Of course, the normal-sized keyboard is better. If your daily life is more than 70% working and 30% shocking, then take the normal big keyboard. If it’s reversed and you’re more shocking than working, the little one would be more practical.
But I would look around for a 60% keyboard in the German layout, just because you’re probably used to it and it’s more practical. You can simply look for “60% keyboard (or keyboard) of the layout”.
Oh yes and the argument that the keyboard with RGB consumes too much power is absolute garbage.
Depends on whether you need the numpad the arrow keys etc what is missing from the small keyboard or not. You should also use another button for each F button fn plus.
Conclusion: If you don’t need the keys, get the smaller ones.
If you need a lot of space, get the smaller ones.
If you need to taste them and have enough mausplatz get the big
the big, but more subtle.
The colorful light is exciting only in the first days, after which it bothers and needs electricity.
and: Make sure that this thing is to be cleaned. Three weeks will pass, three months, and then igitt.
I’d rather take the Black Shark.