Eheberatung nur für wohlhabende?

Nur mal eine allgemeine Frage.
Ich habe grade gelesen dass eine Stunde bei der Eheberatung pro Stunde im Durchschnitt 100€ kostet und es meist mindestens 10 Sitzungen sind. Oft mehr auch wegen Einzel Stunden.

Das kann sich doch kaum eine Familie leisten oder? Also wir aktuell nicht.
wenn sonst nichts ansteht an kosten vll.

Und man weiß ja nicht ob es das dann wert ist und Sinn ergibt.

Gibt es Alternativen oder sowas wie von Caritas oder Familienberatungszentren ?!
also mit Kindern die passiv involviert sind.

Oder lieber privat eine neutrale Person suchen mit Gefühl dafür?!

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3 months ago

Well, then again.

The Caritas offers something like this, but I assume that your relationship will not last.

And I would advise you not to spread all such intimate and private affairs here, you can read everything in your questions.

But good, try the Caritas if you think that helps, no idea if it’s free. Or at the church, they offer something like that.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jill03

Nee, do you want to hook me up?

You ask and I replied!

If it’s not a problem that everyone can read, answers shouldn’t be a problem, should they?

I’m just trying to give you a reason to think that you might be more cautious about your very intimate problems and do not spread them, visible to everyone, on the net.

This is something to be discussed with friends or in the protected area, with specialist personnel bound to a duty to silence.

3 months ago

Because you’re talking about the same problems. As I said, your husband would be “inspiring” if he knew how to write about him here. And that you regularly spread your problems here.

And your defiant way says more than you think 😂

Oh, yeah, your next complaint about him, too. And this is GANZ SICHER.

3 months ago

Divorce is much more expensive. You do that only if there is substance in marriage, but you just get in your hair because you don’t listen to each other anymore.

So a will has to be there from both sides, because otherwise you can leave it the same. But now this will is strengthened, that one really succeeds if it is not so favorable. S

So no one can go halfheartedly to say, I came with you, or we tried everything. That’s why it’s not bad if it’s not free. But you have to buckle the belt a little tighter.

It should be noted that in the case of a separation, this would have to be postponed every month by the 1000.– for the second apartment, heating costs. Acquisition of Mobiliar.

As you see, even better earning ones could make a divorce after your consideration.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jill03

As I said, a divorce is much more expensive. The income you have must be enough for two households.

This is not a one-off thing, but will extend to the next few years.

1000.– in we say distributed over 3 months is a Klacks, unlike approx. 12 000.– annually and over years.

The state will only help you financially if both fall under the minimum of existence. Only the state never forgets that advance he gave. He’ll have to pay his advance there.

That’s what it looks like.

3 months ago

1000€ to 3 months are not Klacks… For many, this is not possible even in a year.

3 months ago

There are cheap and expensive problem solutions here and everywhere. If you don’t try “clear conditions” yourself, you have to pay.

3 months ago

let’s say that. a reasonable divorce costs 2-3,000€. there are 20-30 sessions of marriage counselling.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jill03

Well, if the relationship wasn’t broken and just before the divorce, you wouldn’t take such a step, would you?

3 months ago

well, when it comes to doing it, you have to put priorities to the need

3 months ago

then you leave the summer holiday and do not eat external food for 1 year and you have the money loose together

3 months ago


Divorce should be much more expensive.