EFT Fondvermögen – unterschiedlich?
ich befasse mich seit kurzem mit ETFs.
Hierbei stoße ich auf ein Phänomen, welches ich mir nicht erklären kann.
Ich habe dabei folgenden ETF im Fokus:
Fondvermögen: 8 Mrd €
Fondvermögen: 19 Mrd €
Fondvermögen: 19 Mrd €
Fondvermögen: 8 Mrd €
Warum sind die Werte hier so “unterschiedlich”?
Wonach kann man sich richten?
It is an ETF of Vanguard; the provider is obliged to provide the ETF with the current documents / reports.
The following information should therefore be correct:
https://www.de.vanguard/de/fonds-etfs/9679/vanguard-ftse-all-world-ucits-etf-usd-accumulating/ details
But you’re right, even with Vanguard, the statements are contradictory. On the website is 8.33 billion, the annual report is $18.223.363.484 ($) on 30 June 2023.
Source: https://fund-docs.vanguard.com/etf-annual-report.pdf
Since the documents on the website are already outdated and there is no annual report at 31.12.2023, I would assume that the current fund volume is 8.33 billion.
So the factsheet speaks of a fund volume (millions) $ 20.472 | Volume of the share class (millions) $ 8.574 per 30. November 2023. That’s right, the wrong value was deposited on my website…
Just look into the factsheet:
Fund volume (millions) $ 20.472 | Share class volume (millions) $ 8.574 per 30. November 2023
However, this is virtually not relevant for the private investor.
Apparently, the fund has a volume of 19 billion, of which eight are allocated to the “accumulating” category.