EF zu teuer Alternativen?


ich wollte ein Semester ab Januar in den Staaten machen und ich hatte schon mehrere Gespräche mit der Organisation und es läuft alles super, aber ich wollte fragen, ob ihr 16.000 für ein halbes Jahr noch im grünen Bereich findet? Ich habe sehr vieles gehört und einige haben diesen Preis für ein GANZES Jahr bezahlt und deswegen wollte ich fragen wieso der Preis sich mit einem ganz Jahr kaum unterscheidet?

Gibt es auch andere gute Organisationen die günstiger sind?

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9 months ago

Prices for half a year are hardly cheaper than for a whole year. That’s why I always recommend: a whole school year, that’s about 8 sometimes 9 months. Versus 5 to 6 months.

The big bucks, are the visa that the sponsor has to apply for the organization for you, and the travel expenses. These positions are always identical. No matter how long you stay.

Only the insurance is a little cheaper because less days are charged.

The host parents in the USA don’t get any money.


EF is a big organization, try smaller ones. Just look a little and get there.

All organisations work together with partner organisations for the whole process in the USA. There are very few companies with their own people. From that point of view, it is not so important with which orga you travel. You and your parents, you have to feel good. You should be accessible and prepare yourself well.

Here you can inform yourself well:


6 months ago
Reply to  stufix2000

The visa costs (at J1 Classic) € 175.75 + delivery € 27.85, the SEVIS fee is US$ 220.00. These are not the big bucks….

6 months ago
Reply to  HPHinsch

This is only the fee for the exhibition.
You pay the sponsor’s school fee, which is to be paid as a foreigner, because you don’t pay taxes in the USA, which are used to finance high schools for domestics.