EF Sprachreise Honolulu – Erfahrungen zum Wohnheim?

Ich überlege im August 2025 eine Sprachreise mit EF nach Honolulu zu machen. Grundsätzlich würde ich am liebsten im Wohnheim unterkommen, finde dazu aber keine wirklichen Erfahrungsberichte. Vielleicht hat jemand von euch Erfahrung mit dem Wohnheim?

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2 months ago

I can help you a little bit! Although I wasn’t in my own home when I was in San Francisco with EF (I lived with a host family), I met many friends who were accommodated in the EF residences in San Francisco and even in Honolulu (They made an EF USA tour…mega geil). Their experiences were consistently positive!

The residences were clean and modern and offer a great atmosphere. A great advantage is that you get to know many other students from all over the world, which greatly increases the sense of community and the fun factor. Especially in a city like Honolulu, with its relaxed and lively culture, there are probably plenty of spontaneous activities where you can travel with others from the residence.

A point that is often mentioned: The food is usually better for host families because it is homemade and local. I myself chose the host family because I wanted to live more culturally and food was an important factor for me. But if the social aspect is more important to you, the residence is a great choice.

The best thing: if you feel uncomfortable on site or notice that another accommodation is better, EF is very flexible. They will be happy to help you switch between home and host family.

If you want more information or support, check this link: Click here. You don’t just get one free advice, but also 100 Euro discount on booking. You may also find someone who has already made this trip and can exchange you directly.

I wish you a lot of fun on your language journey now – Honolulu sounds fantastic! 🌴🌊
Please report for further questions.
