Edelstahl Schraube abgenudelt, was tun?
Ich habe schon alles versucht, Gummiband, ausbohren, einen Schlitz rein dremeln und dann mit ‘nem Schlitzschraubenzieher rausdrehen. Es klappt nichts. Die Schraube ist viel zu fest und war, sodass der Bohrer da nicht gegen ankämpfen kann. Man kann nichts vorne abschneiden und dann rausdrehen von hinten, weil es in einem Rohr ist. Ich bin total verzweifelt.
Hello, take a good water pump plier
and torment the screw out.
https://www.amazon.de/KNIPEX-87-01-125-Mini water pump pliers/dp/B002A021WS?th=1
I’ve already tried, the screw is round and so it has no hold in the pliers
I would take a so-called grip plier if it were to be a plier.
She bites right and sprinkles herself – so you don’t need to force her with all violence.
A motorcycle friend of mine has been using for such purposes in his workshop.
https://www.bauhaus.info/sonstige- Zangen/matador-grip Zange-10/p/11115891?gQT=1
Just have to pack it right!
So on the side.
That’s what it looks like and they’re also brilliant when you have to turn out torn studs.
Another beautiful evening and greetings
I also wanted to suggest. Grip pliers are a very great invention.
I tried nothing
Hit a hammer once.
And a little bite back and forth.
I have, it’s too stupid.
Either use screwdrivers, or flex 2 notches into the screw and then turn out.
I’ve tried, the screw just sits too hard.
It is not a problem to drill stainless steel but the drill must not consist of “wood and meadow steel”, but should have a certain quality.
A little flushing agent with little water simplifies drilling.
If you then drilled a hole in the screw, you will use a so-called left-turner – see link – with which you can then turn the screw out.
Would cut off the screw with the flex and drill the rest.
Cutting thread
Or make the screw really hot – so make it glow. Scare off – When it’s cold, some letters can be turned again.
When I heat the whole paint will burn off, I don’t think I can do that.
not necessarily if you have such a gas burner as you take in the kitchen for e.g. Cream Brulee, you can give very good spot heat on the screw
This is a classic case for a “left turnout” aka “doll drill”
Get a set of screwdrivers and follow the instructions for use it would have to work
It is already a bit screwed out when you now press the bed part, i.e. the frame slightly upwards to relieve the screw and then spray some 4WD on the screw. Let it be pulled for 15 minutes and then again with a pipe plier, laterally mounted, briefly clean and then screw it out. It always works very well.
there are freaks. screwdriver for defective screws – Find
you could also drill. but more difficult with stainless steel.
I’ve tried, didn’t work, and the drills are all smooth.
Hello torteleonie!
Can you solve the mother upstairs?
Maybe the rod can be leveraged:
Combination pliers
Hello, maybe you can use a metal saw blade to saw a deep slit in the screw head and then with a slit screwdriver (again the clockwise direction, probably the direction to be released) gently but with strong pressure when turning the screw. If you don’t have a metal saw blade, ask your neighbors if they could lend you one
is that actually a screw in the conventional sense?
It may have partial thread, but further in it spreads similar to certain dowels.
There it could be if this part is screwed in again a bit, in the middle of the screw with puncture pushes the interior through that it then goes easily out
https://goecke.de/Products/Remarking material/Nivellementbol-zum-horizontalen-Einbau/Mauerbol-zum-Duebeln.html
vlt thread corrodes and thus sits firmly.
Just try WD40. this could help you that the screw can try with your previous ones
Stainless steel does not corrode.
That’s right but maybe you screwed the screw with liquid screw lock…
I doubt the stainless steel.
rather tap a normal screw.
I can’t hold the screw anywhere to turn it, because unfortunately I don’t help to lubricate
With “Endfest”. That’s how it helps to hit the hammer.
Head off flexen. Drill the rest and tap the thread
have no flex
That’s bad. Stainless steel screws are easy to eat. Therefore, you can forget left-handed or the like.
Possibly iron saw🤷