Echte 738 Landen im notfall?
Moin. bin mittlerweile viel an simmen. habe auch ein full cockpit zuhause, sprich overhead, usw.
Bin auch schon 2-3x in der Boeing 738 Simulation geflogen ( bei den buchbaren reallife simulatoren ).
meine frage hierbei wäre. wenn es zu einem notfall kommt. die crew leute suchen die sich mit der physik & den jet auskennen, aufgrunde das die 2 piloten ausgefallen sind ( warum auch immer ) ( es sind auch keine anderen piloten an bord )
als beispiel melde ich mich dann. und ich werde mit einem anderen simmer ins cockpit gebracht. ich sitzte auf dem Piloten sitzt & der andere aufdem co sitz.
wären man so in der lage als passagier das flugzeug zu landen?. und könnte ich das mit meiner simmer erfahrung?.
I’ve read a report some time ago:
A modern machine can almost land by itself, only by automatic means. The reporter had tried it (of course in a simulator) and if all the systems work, he hardly needed anything to do.
It was also tried out how this looks without the landing automatics etc. and DA were the prospects WESENTLICH worse.
look here (3) Can a passenger land a jet in emergency? – I am nano – NANO – 3SAT – YouTube
But I think if it really depends on it, you will only pass the setting for the approach frequencies, etc., so that you can adjust the autopilot to automatic landing.
For a complete layman it would certainly be too difficult to see it almost impossible.
I had a MS flight simulator many years ago, otherwise no flight experience or anything.
(3) Can a layman land a plane? Doku 2020 – YouTube
Emergency landing: Can a passenger land a plane? (
Aside from the unrealistic factor that the crew lets passengers in the cockpit, I don’t think so.
Well, in a hypothetical case and if there is no other pilot on board, it can be imagined.
So the plane crashes to 100%.
With two people on the front, who already know something and with instructions, this can be quite successful or at least tend to rupture with higher chance of survival.
What is lost in this hopeless situation?
The frequency 121.5 can be selected in the radio. There you say who you are and what happened. Then you say what a machine you are. The air traffic control will then forward you to a pilot who can fly these planes. He will explain how you can adjust the automatic landing. Now you just have to wait. If this function is not possible, the autopilot can help. He can take you up to about 50ft where you let the plane sink slowly. After that, you’ll get on the brake. Your experience at the simulator won’t help you much, because you’ll be panicked because you know all this depends on you.
The odds you win in the lottery are higher than the odds that this case entry.
If you are GUT, then yes!
A friend of mine loved airplanes (!!!), has flew a lot on the PC simulator and has finally become a pilot!
He was at a flight fair and was able to fly there in a real Lufthansa simulator where pilots are trained. The pilots there had nothing to explain to him, because He knew himself.
People were so excited that you gave him contact details where to report when he finished the school and already recorded his data.
When he finished school, he reported himself and made training a pilot. Fly the big machines around the world now! 🙂
However – also to your question – … with such a large machine as the Boeing 738 are at least (!) 4 pilots on board. Often 6 or more… therefore rather unlikely that there is no already trained pilot on board of such a machine that would not be able to fly any more healthily.
Huch, what did I miss?
a) what about a 737-800? There are much bigger planes.
b) Why should “always” sit more than precisely these two pilots on short and medium distances that can easily be handled with 2 pilots in the Zweimanncockpit? Have airlines recently given money?