Ebay Verkäufer seriös?

Hallo mich würde eine fremde Meinung zu diesem Thema interessieren ich bin gerade auf der suche nach einem neuen Handy und bin dabei auf einen Verkäufer gestoßen er hat auf ebay eine sehr gute Bewertung jedoch sagt er das er auf Grund seines Postbank Kontos sein Konto nicht mit Paypal oder dem Ebay Käuferschutz verbinden kann und das er mir als Sicherheit ein Bild seines Ausweises schicken kann. Also zwei fragen einmal für wie seriös haltet ihr dieses Verkäufer und Bringt mir sein Ausweis überhaupt irgend etwas als Sicherheit ?

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2 years ago

he says that he cannot connect his account to Paypal or Ebay buyer protection due to his post bank account

Apart from being bullshit, he can’t use eBay at all. So don’t even hire something. So can’t be a eBay.

that he can send me a picture of his ID as security

Whoever wants to send you a badge is a fraud or saudumm.

What should a random picture of an ID actually say? N ID only serves the identification when you see the person in real sight and don’t get sent by a random person.

2 years ago

You did not find any seller on the ebay sales platform.

This is about ebay classifieds, a completely different company / sales platform.

however he says that he cannot connect his account to Paypal or Ebay buyer protection due to his post bank account

ebay buyer protection does not work on ebay classifieds.

ebay buyer protection is mandatory at ebay, since ebay is only cashed and later the money is allocated to the sellers.

and that he can send me a picture of his ID as security.

The usual vase of a wanted fraud at ebay classifieds. Please never come to the dide idea of sending your ID on the Internet. The next crook uses the picture for such a crap.

Paypal is still deleted for you. To run a Paypal account, you need to be full-year as with an ebay account.

You can register on ebay classifieds, but buy and sell only with the consent of your guardian. This approval / consent can be safely freed. So please talk about the appropriate offers that will lure you with your parents.

2 years ago

Unsatisfied and probably a fraud.

No one is so stupid and immediately offers photos of his ID, it must be a fraud with stolen ID.

The account was probably also opened under the wrong name and then the money goes quickly abroad. Ebay account has been hacked.

2 years ago

Neven 🙂

Don’t let that happen. The account has been taken.

Finger away and VG