eBay Verkauf nach Frankreich?

Ich habe derzeit mein defektes Handy bei eBay zum Verkauf und wurde angeschrieben, ob ich auch nach Frankreich verkaufe. Die Person scheint ein französischer Händler für Handyteile zu sein und ist seit 2010 bei eBay Aktiv.

Besteht ein Risiko wenn ich nach Frankreich Verkäufen würde?

Wenn ja welches? Wie sichere ich mich am besten ab?

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1 year ago

I would buy an item sold on eBay never, under no circumstances send abroad because always the Buyer protection of the buyer country and, in case of a case, he decides 99.9% against you.

Here is the statement by an eBay employee:

As your buyer comes from the USA, the processing is with our US colleagues. For this reason, in your case, the principles for the buyer protection of the U.S. site and not those of the German side apply.

Greetings, Nina

Here’s another one.

Unfortunately, our German principles differ greatly from the principles on ebay.com. About eBay.de you would have been right here as soon as the article is ready for collection, it is the responsibility of the buyer to pick it up in the respective shop.

However, this regulation does not apply in the US principles. In the U.S. principles, the delivery must be demonstrated to your buyer without any doubt, here it is not enough that the article is ready for collection. In this case, we can only recommend that you contact the shipping service provider as soon as possible, so that you can at least get the item returned.

Greetings, Nina

You should also be aware that if you sell abroad, you will also have to pay sales fees to eBay (now %from 2024 4%).

Click: ebay fees for private sellers

Cancel the sale on the grounds that the buyer comes from a country you do not deliver:

Click: Selling as Seller Cancel

Click: Report problem with a buyer

Here you can limit the buyer circle next time, e.g. exclude countries you do not deliver:

Click: Define restricted buyer circle

1 year ago

It is unlikely that a French trader will not find a mobile phone suitable for him in France. I wouldn’t do it

1 year ago

Send insurance only. A shipping document is your only insurance policy.

1 year ago

I’d never do it as a private person. If he pays with paypal and in the end the package “does not arrive”, he gets his money

1 year ago

This can happen to you with any buyer

1 year ago

on eBay this buyer protection is given at JEDER payment method, not only when paying with PayPal.

1 year ago

Be careful to send abroad, and he would give you the money beforehand.

1 year ago
Reply to  Marshall7

ebay does not change