Ebay Verkauf Abbruch?
Ich habe etwas bei eBay eingestellt und dann hat ein Käufer die Auktion gewonnen. Nachdem er gewonnen hat war die Auktion beendet. Ich habe danach den Kauf abgebrochen und er hat mich dann angeschrieben. meinte, dass er überwiesen habe. Doch bei mir steht, dass der Käufer noch nicht bezahlt hat. Wann bekommt er sein Geld zurück oder wie geht das?
So an eBay auction is a legally binding business – you can’t just cancel the auction even if the price doesn’t match you.
Otherwise, of course, you send the goods only when you get the money.
This has not been valid on eBay since summer 2021. Since then, the buyer has chosen how he paid to eBay with a payment method of his choice. Once eBay has the money, eBay will notify the seller that he will send must: with tracking. Lastly, eBay always pays to the seller’s bank account.
A direct payment between buyer and seller is no longer available on eBay.
You know more than I know 🙂
I use mostly classified ads and I only send things away when I get the money 😊
This is not about Classifiedsbut around eBay.
These are two completely different platforms that nothingbut also nothing have to do with each other.
And eBay since summer 2021 (!) the following applies:
Click: New payment processing on eBay
An effective purchase agreement has been reached.
You can’t do that unilaterally. You need the consent of the buyer. Without its consent, you are still obliged to transfer the article.
As soon as eBay notifys you, you have to send the object followed. After shipping, you will receive from eBay the payment that was made.
The questioner is a maximum of 15, which was soon for him with eBay. 😎
As already written, here is a legally valid purchase agreement after the BGB made, the buyer could sue his (!) article with ease.
By the way, you should keep the ball gaaaanz flat:
According to one of your last questions, you go to 8. So, you’re 14, a maximum of 15 years old.
Now look at this:
Look forward to your eBay account, you won’t have it for long.