eBay: receive a payment via Paypal even though the customer does not have an account?
Sers together,
i sold an item on eBay today and the woman who bought it said that she had
transferred the item to my account by direct debit. However, the money did not end up directly in my bank account, but in my Paypal account. And eBay said that she had paid via Paypal, even though she said she didn’t have a Paypal account.
How does that work?
There are also Pay Pal as a one-time payment.
PayPal One-off tap also works without an account.
has expired with a guest payment
https://www.paypal.com/helpcenter/main.jsp;jsessionid=XMyqTWcJmYCvfmnll9KvyPM3hllXLp1kSnTgngC5WQxdY3p78wS5!-878924740?t=solutionTab&ft=homeTab&ps=&solutionId=204237&locale=deArticle 2dyncharset=UTF-8&countrycode=DE&cmd=_help&serverInstance=9006
just like this: you can’t transfer it by loadwriting.
the question is so confusing that I wonder who can answer it seriously.