eBay Konto anmelden?
Ich kann mich nicht mehr in mein eBay Konto einloggen
Die E-Mail und das Passwort stimmt alles und auch die Telefonnummer stimmt jedoch bekomme ich keinen Code zugeschickt welchen ich brauche um mich wieder anzumelden
Kann mir da jemand eventuell weiterhelfen ?
Maybe try again tomorrow. Run PC, restart. That’s it.
Especially with ebay it usually doesn’t need to send code, what for? Or when was the last time you were logged in?
You can also reset password for security reasons or pretend you don’t know. Then they’ll send you a new one you need to change again.
I was actually logged in a few days ago, but the app didn’t work with me anymore, which is why I had reinstalled it
Then, logically, I had to re-register and the code comes via SMS
I’ve tried it several times over the days and don’t get a single SMS
Also in the spam was nothing but the right phone number is because I didn’t change it and I had to get a code by SMS when creating the account
Try out other email addresses? Maybe you’re wrong.
If not just call 033203 851021
I think you can even get an email sent on eBay as verification instead of SMS, right?