EBay Kleinanzeigen Verkäufer verlangt dass ich kaufe?


ich habe einen Kleinanzeigen Verkäufer angeschrieben und meinte dass ich interessiert bin.

Er meinte er sagt anderen Interessenten ab wenn ich ihm versichere dass ich sein Produkt kaufe, es handelt sich um ein IPhone 12 Pro.

Ich hab es ihm versichert aber 10 Minuten später hab ich es mir anders überlegt und hab ihm geschrieben dass ich sein Handy doch nicht kaufen will.

Aber er meinte dass ich trotzdem kaufen MUSS weil ich es ihm versichert hab und er den anderen abgesagt hat.

Muss ich es jetzt wirklich kaufen?

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1 month ago

Do I really have to buy it now?

You must no longer buy, you you have already bought.

You must only pay, and the seller only has to deliver.

Those who do business on the Internet should know what he is doing. I recommend several views in §§ 145 ff BGB.



As I read, you still seem to go to school. Can it be that you are underage? In this case, there is still a way to get out of the already closed contract, but only with the help of your parents.

They must inform the seller in writing (ideally by registered letter) that you are minor and they (the parents) do not agree to the purchase (§ 184 BGB).

Could be that the seller will then report you to classifieds, and the account will be blocked, but that is the smaller problem.

1 month ago
Reply to  NordicArctis

Sorry, but that’s irrelevant.

1 month ago

There has already been a purchase contract, as there were 2 corresponding declarations of will. Therefore, I do not see any possibility of coming out of the contract if the seller wants to enforce it.

1 month ago


in law, you have completed a purchase contract, So yes, you have to fulfill your contract and buy the phone.

1 month ago

Well, you have agreed to it and there you have to buy but if he changes the contract afterwards and now wants to have more money now, it is a new offer and you can reject the new offer. Because that’s a change in the contract and that both would have to agree, he can’t say afterwards: now you have to pay shipping costs even though that was otherwise clarified.

Was it clear how to pay? Are you sure about classifieds or Paypal goods and services (due to buyer protection) or otherwise? Somehow my gut feeling would say something else after this thing that he then says he fucks it at his own expense but then sends it unsafe. And then the question comes or not.

1 month ago

If you just wrote him and nothing else happened, you don’t have to buy it.

1 month ago
Reply to  Niccl2003

If you just wrote him and nothing else happened, you don’t have to buy it.

This is the opposite of the BGB.

1 month ago

What price are we talking about? Let it go. Is that why he’d turn on a lawyer?

Yes – there were 2 corresponding declarations of will: He wanted to sell and you wanted to buy. That’s a contract.

But for classifieds, I don’t understand you need to send. The purpose of this is to find a buyer in the area, who then collects the item personally. Then you see the item – and can buy or not.

1 month ago
Reply to  NordicArctis

Then stay 2 questions: Do you enjoy the evidence the seller has and would he turn on a lawyer at this sum?

1 month ago
Reply to  NordicArctis

A signature is also not necessary, oral contracts are also valid.

1 month ago

But, right and right are two completely different things!

You can remember that because it’s not just a spell.

1 month ago

Huh? The legal situation is clear – but whether it can be enforced in court is a completely different question??


No, I don’t want to answer that.

1 month ago

The legal situation is clear, there is no need for intuition. Whether the law can be enforced in court is a completely different question.

We cannot know whether something is worthwhile for another, there are 1000 reasons that speak for it, but as many reasons that speak against it. So this is where the clairvoy comes into play again.

1 month ago

Intuition. It’s enough.

Furthermore, he can still negotiate with the seller whether the whole effort is really worthwhile for the seller.

1 month ago

If the evidence is sufficient, only one lawyer can answer you legally.

How do you know what others will do when? You might have to Ask psychics.

1 month ago

You are minor and not fully operational.
The purchase contract you have concluded is therefore floating ineffective.

Your parents can object to the contract and make it invalid.

1 month ago
Reply to  NordicArctis

What now? You wrote above:

I’m almost 18

1 month ago

Hallöchen to make it clear. did he stand in a contract no did you sign anything? no the vogel should not play so naturally not cool to insure and then cancel but if he cancels all the others it is in the end not to block your problem and delete the vogel 🙂

1 month ago
Reply to  lausmaus356

A purchase contract is not subject to a prescribed form.

A mutual declaration of will has been issued and that is enough to achieve a valid purchase agreement.

1 month ago
Reply to  Pixelated

at the end no valid declaration of consent has been given, since nothing has been signed

1 month ago

No, there has been a permanent agreement since the Roman era, which is a binding treaty for the two congruent declarations of will of eminent citizens.

1 month ago

No, nothing changed. Higher knowledge of it.

1 month ago

I learned it the same way: 2 consistent declarations of will – and the treaty is perfect. – Did something change in 30 years?

1 month ago

at the end no valid declaration of consent has been given, since nothing has been signed

It’s bullshit.

I recommend reading BGB on the areas of “Willenserklärung” and “Kaufvertrag”

1 month ago

He doesn’t have to. The declaration of will is sufficiently formulated.

1 month ago

then the seller would have to prove that he has canceled the other interested

1 month ago

If the customer writes that he assures the purchase, this is a declaration of will. The seller has informed his declaration of will when he said that he would cancel the other interested if the purchase was promised.

There are two corresponding declarations of will and a purchase agreement has been reached.

And since all this took place in written form, it is also easy to prove for the seller.

1 month ago

what happens*

1 month ago

there I give you the point, however, he does not have to buy anything because there was no speck there was if he refuses to buy so the contract is not really valid

1 month ago

An oral purchase agreement is also valid. So nothing has to be signed.

1 month ago

Towards. I also run an eBay shop since 2008. Both private and commercial etc. You have to pay garnix. Did you sign anything? No. Is there a purchase contract? No. Don’t be intimidated or put under pressure. Something you don’t want, and the buyer bets that you have to pay is a form of foolishness. That’s not your problem. Simply delete and block the funny user;) and you already have rest in the carton. There is no insurance as such. You have a 100% buyer protection (if you have PayPal). And as long as the ad is still online, you can also assume that they are only empty fairs. Even if the type has 100% positive reviews and so.

1 month ago
Reply to  Scubapro38

I also run an eBay shop since 2008. Both private and commercial etc.

You don’t know a lot about that.

Did you sign anything?

Since there are no formal provisions, he could have danced the declaration of will

Is there a purchase contract?

There has already been a purchase contract, as there were 2 corresponding declarations of will.

Something you don’t want, and the buyer bets that you have to pay is a form of foolishness.

No, what is foolish can be read in § 240 StGB. The assertion of existing rights is therefore not a negligence.

There is no insurance as such.

But, for example, there are legal protection insurance if you want to proceed to court against counterfeit buyers.

1 month ago
Reply to  NordicArctis

he mean he would pay the shipping costs, but after I said yes, he said he didn’t pay the shipping costs

However, this would also be a binding agreement, as it is before your commitment. Even though it was only a one-sided declaration of will.

If he does not want to stick to it, you can enforce compliance with the contract or initiate a resignation due to breach of the contract.

1 month ago
Reply to  NordicArctis

I know that little psycho with this yes and no too well. Believe me. And I don’t have a shock on these stereotypes. That’s why I never say yes on the phone, because that’s what counts as an unintentional contract. No thanks can always be said. If the seller accepts the full shipping costs, then the pure cunning is. You have no right and claim. Even if he urged you to pay for something against your will, that’s a fool. And thus a criminal offense . Because strangely with me it works:) As long as there is no IBAN, etc.

Criminal Code (StGB) § 240

1 month ago
Reply to  NordicArctis

Your declaration of will was based on the shipping costs. This is therefore part of the purchase agreement.

The seller must comply with this accordingly.