EBay Kleinanzeigen über, Überweisung bezahlen?

Heyho, ich wollte mal fragen ob es sicher ist wenn man über EBay Kleinanzeigen über Überweisung bezahlt und ob man das Geld zurück bekommt wenn man darüber bezahlt könnte mir da jemand bitte eine Antwort geben? Lg Lena😊

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2 years ago

…whether it is safe to pay via EBay classifieds via bank transfer…


…and if you get the money back when you pay for it…


eBay Classifieds is a regional ad market about the goods against Cash payment at pickup to be sold.

The only reasonable alternative to this is payment by PayPal goods & services or the new payment by buyer protection:

Click: Buyer protection on eBay classifieds

Click: eBay classifieds | Tips for your security

There is no more to say.

2 years ago

No, it’s not safe. You can’t get a transfer back just because you got cheated.

eBay classifieds are actually meant to exchange goods for money in personal contact and to check the goods in detail there.

2 years ago

If you pay by bank transfer, the money is gone and you can’t do anything if you don’t get the goods.

100% safe at EBay classifieds is just personal pickup and cash payment.